Hi CArl,
It's great that you have found CS, but don't be too upset when your friends 
will not try CS no matter how hard you try.  It is very frustrating when you 
know it will help them, but they won't listen.  You can only try.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Carl George 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 11:12 AM
  Subject: CS>? on dosage & approach

  I am relatively new to the silverlist. Here is my situation. I am 60 years 
old. For the past 40 years, I have been trying to get rid of the Candida yeast 
infection. I have tried nystatin, diflucin, etc. -- all to no avail. About 4 
weeks ago, I learned that colloidal silver might fight the candida. I went to 
my local health food store and the owner ( whom I had gone to school with), 
recommended that I take the CS made by Natural Path/Silver Wings (250 ppm). 
That night, I took 1 teaspoon in 8 oz of distilled water. The next morning, I 
took another teaspoon the same way. 

  That day, for the first time since I can remember, I had lots of energy. That 
was the only thing that I did different that day, so it had to be the CS that 
had did it . I had been fighting this thing for 40 years, and here, overnight I 
could tell that CS could fight it. 

  So I've become rather fanatic about CS. I went on the internet to learn all I 
could about CS. I bought a bunch of books on CS. I bought what appeared to me 
to be a good CS generator (constant current, stirrer, automatic turn-off) from 
Coyote Zenterprises. I am well pleased with it (although if my friends start 
consuming it like I am, then I will have to go to a larger model that produces 
more than 8 oz. every hour). I am so carried away with the effect of CS that I 
am trying to get all of my friends on it.

  My first question is: How do you approach a friend, and get them to give CS 
an honest try? I first of all tell them my experience. Then I emphasise that it 
is natural --that you cannot overdose on it. It is non-toxic. There has never 
been any toxic effect of CS (other than agrygia-- which as I understand was due 
to silver compounds -- such as silver nitrate-- and no to electro-colloidal 

  I feel that it is important that they be able to feel a change after taking 
CS --so they will become convinced that CS is doing good for them. If they take 
a small amount (because they are afraid it will hurt them), I am afraid it will 
be too little to feel an effect. So when I give them CS, I tell them to take it 
in the same dose that I am taking--which I understand is more than most people 

  So my first question is: do you think the dosage that I am taking (8 oz. of 
about 20 ppm in the morning; 8 oz of 20 ppm in the evening ) is too much?

  Do you think I am using the right approach to get my friends to try it 
(better to take too much than to take too little)?

  Although I have only posted to the silverlist twice, I do think it is one of 
the best things I have ever found on the internet. It is people with knowledge 
and experience helping people without knowledge and experience. So my 
appreciation to all of you in advance. 


                              Carl George

