Thanks for this site,  I will take a look at it. My spouce has just about
finished making a machine to make CS for me and the terrible Pain of 14
months now that I been suffering of getting SHINGLES  from;
 A stupid Man 40 + yrs old took his Chicken Pox teen ager to a X mas dinner
we were invited to  Dec 2000.
 I have wanted to die ever since.  After the SHINGLES,  I got Bels Paulsley
following, then I got the chicken pox, and still have the Curse of pain in
my face, and chin and lower jaw  which are still numb as well as full  of
Pain  of this awfull virus in the nerve.
My left ear also is just as painful.
 ANYONE who takes another person knowing they have Chicken Pox to any place
other people are  should be injected with PAIN   for ever.  let them scream
rolled up in a ball in middle of bed. days at a time. The Pain Pills did a
number on my digestive tract and elimination also.  I lost 30 lbs in 4
 Nothing so horrible. If I could have got my hands on some Anti Freeze I
sure would have drank it and ended this awfull Worlds Curse long ago.
  My spouce watches me like a hawk. he is retired on disability and it
probably is a good thing he was.
The Lord won't take you to get rid of the pain either, as i prayed he would
but he didn't.
 I have been on a ounce of cs for several weeks now and sure hope it helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: herx <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, March 07, 2002 8:22 AM
Subject: Re: CS>shingles

>A member of the Yahoo CS club, Mike Monett, has created an extensive web
>page about CS and shingles.  He has posted here in the past, but in case
>he doesn’t see this thread, his link is
>Here is a thread from right here on the Silver List I found where Mr.
>Monett discusses shingles & CS.
>I have corresponded with Mr. Monett on other subjects and he was very
>knowledgeable and helpful.  His email address is on his web site.
>Warning to the faint-of-heart:  The images of this disease on this web
>site are graphic and disturbing.  In extreme cases, it looks like one of
>the most painful experiences imaginable.  I hope I never find our for
>Good luck, Waddle
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