FYI- if you have a well and have iron and sulfur problems, read this. I had very high Fe and S problems in OK. Sulfur can be eleminated almost entirely by aerating the well water by spraying into your cistern. The Fe can be removed by buying the poly/cotton (50/50)batting at a cloth shop. Take 2 five gallon buckets and drill hundreds of 1/4" holes all around the wall of the inside one . Drill several dozen 1/4 in. holes in the bottom of the exterior one. Nest one inside the other with the batting between them. You are constructing an iron filter. Hang the nested buckets above your cistern and spray the well water into them. You will be amazed at the results. You will have to change the batting about once a month according to water use and amount of iron. Cost is $.50. Works many times better than $3k units. No messy chemicals. KISS principle. Enjoy.

TJ Garland, CMO supplier
          there are no incurable illnesses-only incurable people.

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