I had a lot of trouble this Winter with by lungs and I have been taking CS on a regular basis. After several trips to the Allergy doctor and a couple of changes in prescriptions with only a small improvement I bought a nebulizer (less than a 100$) and used 15 PPM CS in it, this I did 2 to 3 times a day which kept my lungs clear but I could not stop as it would come back. Note we had a problem with standing water in our basement at work and nothing was done till OSHA was called in. Well guess what when the water dried up my lungs cleared, there was some thing growing big time down there and it was in the Building air supply. and because of my allergies it was affecting me more than others. I will keep an eye out for water in basement if it comes back they will fix it right away or OSHA will be called back in Only next time it will be reported as a sick building. When there is a complaint of a sick Building (all HELL breaks lose)monitors and sample tests, the whole works. I have decided that what ever it takes I will not put up with that again. SICK LEAVE