All I can say is that I got one of the Robey machines and distrusted it, from the poorly-written instruction manual to the rapidly-produced, sparkly colloid and regular flakes of deposits in the water. In contrast, the silvergen unit seems first-rate, and costs only a few bucks more.


At 09:18 AM 3/16/2002 -0500, you wrote:
 Robey once had a merchants directory page and offered to rate anyones
generator and publish the results.
 I sent them a www.silverpuppy 2 years ago and they
never did anything with it. [no response whatever..nothing published]
 The only generator they ever rated was their own. [gosh, it passed all
their tests!]
 That page is now totally self serving...the directory gone.
 The C.S.D.C. is run entirely by and [now] for the benefit of Robey alone.

At 04:33 PM 3/15/02 -0500, you wrote:
>Recently Ole Bob had the opportunity to test another group of CS samples
>processed with the Robey Mark ll Generator.
>Here are the test results posted with permission of the generator owner,
>This is the second batch (that I have knowledge of) that Ole Bob has tested-
>both tests with very poor quality samples.
>Here is the Robey link for those that would like to look....and avoid the
>waste of money....
>Sample 1.) Conductance = 15 uS/cc; pH = 8.00; Ag+ = 5.06 PPM; T.E. very
>weak and no sparklies.
>Processed at 5ppm dial in.
>Sample 2.) Conductance = 15 uS/cc; pH = 8.47; Ag+ = 6.38 PPM; T.E.
>Medium + sparklies.
>Processed at 20ppm dial in.
>Sample 3.) Conductance = 84 uS/ss; pH = 7.54; Ag+ = 7.54 PPM; T.E.
>Strong + sparklies
>Processed at 40ppm dial in.
>My (Ole Bob) Opinions;
>Sample #5 is the best of the lot as the T.E. indicates that it is mostly
>ionic silver.
>When I look at the pH of your samples I wonder if you are using
>something for a starter such as bicarbonate of soda. (Margaret states she
>did not add any starter)
>Generally the pH of LVDC is about 6 to 6.5
>I am curious as to what water you are using and whose generator. I would
>appreciate it very much if you would detail your process for me.
>"Ole Bob"
>Margaret's reply:
>The Distilled Water was bought in the grocery store.  It is labeled Kentwood
>Springs Distilled Water and in very small print says:  " Purified by steam
>distillation, filtered, (1 micron absolute) and ozonated to insure quality."
>This from the website....and the unit is ''on sale'' for only $179.00!!
>Who is the C.S.D.C.?
>( Mr. Robey's name for his own self interest?)
>I need to send the results of Ole Bob's independant testing to update their
>(Rated by the Colloidal Silver Discovery Center.)
>5 being the highest rating possible
>Quality of Colloidal Silver         5
>Quality of Generator         5
>Ease of use         5
>Electrode Lifespan         5
>Accuracy of concentration (ppm) produced         5
>Overall Rating 100%
>- Simple and user friendly to use. Just fill with water and press a button.
>- User can accurately set the concenttration from 5 to 80 ppm (parts per
>- Fully assembled. Not a kit.
>- Auto shut-off feature.
>- Extended life electrodes included. Makes over 400 gallons!
>- 30 day moneyback guarantee.
>- 1 Year parts and labor warrantee.
>- 120 Volts
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