Reference to Emoto's apparent proofs of bizarre links between water's frozen
structure and eg, music, words, thoughts, even typed messages placed on a
bottle, have appeared on this list before. What I have not seen is
duplication by anyone else. Is there anyone on this list who has attempted
to do just that? If so, please chime up and let us know what you found!

regards, Kevin Nolan

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brooks Bradley" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 4:19 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Schauberger (#187)

>                     Hello JR,
>                     Thank you for the reference to Mr. Emoto.  We have one
> principal investigator who is quite familiar with his work.  While we have
> not funded any consequential research effort in this is,
> fascinating and indicates to be of genuine value both in the field of
> knowledge and----more specifically, the environs of physical/psychological
> health.
>                         Thank you again for sharing your information.
>                                     Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
> wrote:
> > Brooks writes:
> >
> > > ...Next, we were especially intrigued at  prospects of being able
> > >
> > > to generate an actual change in structural well as the
> > >
> > > bioactivity of water.  We were able, under scanning electron
> > >
> > > examination, to determine that---indeed---such modifications were
> > >
> > > easily achieveable...
> > >
> > For photographic evidence of water's mutability due to sound, words,
> > music and prayer:
> >
> > > These slides are the work of Japanese researcher Mr. Masaru Emoto,
> > > from his book "Messages from Water."
> > >
> >
> > jr
> >
> > --
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