Hi Arnold,
Nice to talk to you again!

Happy to repost, but not quite sure of the particular ones you had in
I have two (see below) which explain the rational behind current
limiting, and I shall try to find my calculations of the current

Kind regards

"Hi Arnold,

I think we need to start on common ground, so I will go through the
process as I understand it...you probably know all this anyway.

The power supply and the electrolysis cell form a circuit. The cell
consists of an electrolyte and 2 electrodes. Current is able to flow
the circuit when cations are able to leave one electrode and anions
contact the other. Electrons cannot flow in a liquid and so travel via
the power supply connections. In the case of a silver anode (positive
electrode), at a certain potential a single electrons will be removed
from silver atoms creating Ag+ silver ions. These cations, as they are
known, enter the liquid electrolyte and drift towards (and some will
eventually contact) the cathode where they are supplied with the
electron they need to become metallic silver once more.
The current able to flow in the circuit is wholly dependent upon the
conductivity of the electrolyte, that is the number of ions that are
able to complete the circuit.
Distilled water is a very poor electrolyte but above 0.71V hydrogen
reduce (gain electrons) at the cathode while silver requires 0.80V to
oxidise (lose electrons) at the anode. This is what drives the
at start up. Silver is oxidised at the anode, supplying electrons, and
hydrogen gas is generated at the cathode receiving electrons. The
limiting factor at this time is the number of hydrogen ions able to be
ripped from the water molecules, and this is a function of the current
flow and so of the applied potential.

As silver ions enter the solution and ultimately reach the cathode
are also reduced as the reduction potentials of hydrogen and silver
similar, and reducing hydrogen leaves a charged hydroxyl anions in
solution which adds to the accumulation of charged species, hence the
current increases. The reason that silver accumulates in the solution
at all, even though the same number of electrons oxidised at the anode
must be reduced at the cathode, is that the later is shared between
hydrogen and silver, that is more silver ions enter the system than
leave it.

What I am leading to Arnold, is that to achieve an acceptable
concentration of silver ions (10 -20 ppm in my opinion) one must
a certain amount of plating out on the cathode, and that the process
not futile past this point as silver keeps accumulating as long as
hydrogen gas is evolved at the cathode.

Now, in order to generate a product that is of the smallest particle
size one must allow the silver ions to hydrate, to become surrounded
water molecules so that they resist the attractive forces that are
generated between like ions and limit the aggregation that otherwise
occurs. Limiting the current limits the amount of ions generated at
moment, increasing the chance of quick hydration and dispersion.
There is a certain current density at the electrode that when exceeded
leads to an inferior product.
The trouble with limiting the current of course is, as the resistance
the cell decreases so does the voltage. It is the voltage which
determines the type of electrolysis that will proceed (it is possible
remove more than one electron from a silver atom if the voltage is
enough). I feel that being able to control the voltage across the
electrodes will eventually lead to a better product. The only way I
think of to do this is by PWM which although, as you rightly note, is
method of controlling power input, it does so at a particular voltage
(yes?) and is also a method of limiting current. PWM would also have
advantage of the pulse - drift movement of the silver ions, further
increasing the chance of better hydration and dispersal."


"In anticipation of your question, let me give a little more

The velocity of an ion in an electric field is the product of the
E(Vcm^-1) and its electrophoretic mobility U(cm^2 V^-1 s^-1).
The ion is instantly accelerated to the velocity where the resistive
forces (viscosity of medium etc.) equal the attractive forces, where
upon the ion travels at a constant rate.

v = EU(cm s^-1)

For silver ions (effective radius of 0.15nm) U = 6.4 x 10^-6.
Larger ions = slower speeds.
Higher charge = higher speeds.

So at a field strength of 1Vcm^-1 the velocity = 6.4 x 10^-6 cm s^-1
which is very slow unless you are an ion.

Obviously it is not the voltage that is the main diffusion factor in
production but thermal or mechanically induced currents.

The link below (part of a marvellous body of work) gives a gentle
insight into the world of electrode dynamics, and the treatment of the
electrolyte solution as a resistive and capacitive load.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Arnold Beland [mailto:abel...@tampabay.rr.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, 26 March 2002 12:21 a.m.
> To: *Silver-List* (E-mail)
> Subject: CS>Hi Ivan
> Would you be so kind as to re-post your rational and calculations
> surface area versus current versus particle size?.  Glad to
> see you are
> still around.
> Arnold

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