Hi Carl,

Thank you for writing up such a long message for me. I
did a 7-day bowel cleanse program after I sended my
message to you. My digestion and absorbtion has
improved a lot, but candida problem seems still the

I may try the H2O2 enema soon. I did rectal implant of
beneficial bacteria at the last day of my cleanse.
Next morning I felt much better when I woke up. The
efffect gradually disappeared. But I did not kill the
bad guys first before my implant. So I think
combination of H2O2 enema and rectal implant may help
me to get sustainable effect. 

Many thanks,
--- Carl George <cgeo...@fullnet.net> wrote:
> Hi, Huajun;
> Sorry to be so late replying (10 days). I bought my
> first CS from Oasis Health Food store, here in
> Tahlequah, Okla. It was 250 ppm. But I put one
> tablespoon of it into 8 oz. of water, which reduced
> it to 5 ppm when I put it in my body. 
> I have read the web site about healix, but I would
> have no idea of how good it is . Other list members
> would know better than I . 
> If you check the archives of the silverlist, you
> will find that all list members that comment on the
> SilverGen generators have nothing but good things to
> say about it. From what I’ve read, it has to be one
> of the best generators you could buy. 
> I bought the "Ole Boy" generator from Ode Coyote,
> and I think it is one of the best generators you
> could buy. It only cost $125.00. It is constant
> currant, automatic turnoff; and has a stirrer. I am
> well pleased with it, and would recommend it to
> anyone. And, based on my limited experience, I would
> think that those are the things that you should look
> for in a CS generator-- constant current, a stirrer,
> and automatic turnoff. 
> Again, other list memebrs might have other elements
> to look for in a generator. 
> As to dosage, you will have to experiment on
> yourself. Each person is different. Each peson has
> different bacteria, viruses, fungii within
> themselves. The dosage for one person may not be the
> proper dosage for another. I personally take at
> least 16 oz. of 10-20 ppm per day -- sometimes as
> much as 24 oz. But if your stomach cannot tollerate
> that much, then you will just have to experiment
> until you find the dosage proper for you. You may
> want to try 5-6 dosages spaced equally throughout
> the day. I personally don’t think it matters that
> much as to ppm (5ppm, 10 ppm., 20 ppm, etc.). But
> you might try small doses (1 oz , 2 oz., etc.) 5-6
> times a day. 
> As time goes by, you might have to increase your
> dosage.
> As to fasting, I heartily belive in it. The fact is
> that all animals on earth -- with the exception of
> man -- fast until the body heals itself. When the
> body has healed itself, they begin eating again. I
> have done 3-4 fairly long fasts ( 20 to 35 days).
> They have all been water fasts. But for me, they
> have been very difficult. I never got hungry. I just
> didn’t
> feel good. I think it is because so many poisons (
> in my case, Candida) were relased into my bloodsteam
> (and thus my brain). 
> What I am leading up to is that your body may be so
> debilitated, that fasting -- even though it is the
> fastest way to clean the body --may just be too
> enervating, until you have built up your alkaline
> reserves ( by juicing veggies and eating fruit). You
> will just have to try it and see. You will have to
> be the judge. 
> In my opinion, juicing should be the base of
> anyone’s diet. It should be the cornerstone -- and
> most important part of anyone;s diet. Simply because
> by juicing you are megadosing on natural nutrients
> -- vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbs, fats, -- and
> nutrients that we haven’t even discovered yet. You
> eat around your juicing.
> Get the tapes put out by Jay Kordich ( The
> Juiceman). The first two tapes will convince you. If
> you cannot get a copy, let me know, and I will
> provide you with one. 
> I know when I drink straight carrot juice ( or
> carrot -apple juice), I can feel it. I think it is
> because of too much sugar. So what I do is I mix the
> carrot juice with green juice. One part of green
> juice ( from broccoli, spinach, cabbage, green
> peppers, cucumbers, green leaf lettuce, red leaf
> lettuce, (no iceberg lettuce), kale, celery, etc.)
> to three parts of carrot juice. Tastes good, but I
> don’t get that reaction. I guess the green juice
> dilutes the sugar in the carrot-apple juice.
> If you still get that feeling, another thing you can
> do is just dilute the juice --add distilled water to
> it.
> Bowel cleansing. Another necessity. In my opinion,
> any book by Bernard Jensen is good. 
> As I understand it, the colon is where most of the
> candida resides. So you have to get it out of there.
> Based on my experience, 5 ppm CS does get to the
> Candida in the colon.
> But in addition to that, I still take colemas with 1
> quart of 3% H202 in 5 gallon of water. I do this
> because as I understand , the candida yeast are
> anaerobic -- cannot exist in an oxygen environment,
> while the good bacteria in the colon (lactobacillus,
> bulgaricus, etc.) are aerobic --- they thrive in an
> oxygen environment. Well all H202 is is a water
> molecule with an additional 0 atom. When H202 gets
> into the body, the 0 is liberated. So when I put
> H202 in the colema, what I am really doing is
> putting some 0xygen ito the colon. 
> The main thing to remember is :(1) don’t put 35%
> H202 into the colema, unless you really calibrate
> the correct amount. 35% is very caustic, and can
> hurt your colon. and (2). don’t use water that is
> too hot. The water should be about body temperature
> (98.6 degrees F.). If you get it too hot (102-103,
> you could again hurt your colon). 
> Sorry to be so late replying. I am going on-line
> with this ( instead of e-mailing you off list)
> simply because I am rather new to CS. Other people
> on the list are much more experienced and
> knowledgeable about CS than I am. They may disagree
> with what I say. If they do, then you should listen
> to all arguments, and then decide which is best for
> you. 
> If you have other questions, let me know, and I will
> try to answer them as best I can. 
> Carl George
> cgeo...@fullnet.net 

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