Hi Jason, have you read "The Body Electric" by Robert O. Becker?  Its subtitle 
is "Electromagnetism and the foundation of life".  I found it in stock at 
BookStar, and it's pretty good.  If you haven't checked it out yet, you may 
want to.  Definitely worth the $13.00 price.  The ISBN is 0-688-06971-1.

Yours in health,
James Allison

Sunstone Herbals, Your Source For Supplements
Visit Us Soon, http://www.sunstoneherbals.com
Home of the $39.95 Colloidal Silver Generator

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: AVRA / Jason 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 10:24 AM
  Subject: CS>Silver Compounds and electrobiological/electromagnetic response

  Greetings, all:

  Why can four tablespoonfuls of 100 PPM MSP provoke a severe biological
  reaction ( aside from herx ) and two liters of a 10PPM electro CS not?

  That is a question that has been haunting me for quite some time.

  Is it really only a matter of concentration?

  Someone earlier said ( Marshall ? ) that the only difference between an
  ionic compound and a electro-colloidal silver in distilled water is that in
  the distilled water CS, you're dealing with hydroxide rather than, say,
  acetate, etc.

  That simple statement set off some lights...

  Lately, I've been working with some very, very, interesting substances:
  Hydronium ( H3O ) and "pure" Hydroxide.  The most amazing thing about using
  these substances, is that the body treats both as if they were only water.
  Why?  One is an acid and the other a base.  A "hydronium" dilution created
  by adding just a few drops of the concentrate drops the PH of distilled
  water from nuetral to 1.5.  This 1.5, as read through a digital PH meter,
  should provoke quite a reaction with the body, but it doesn't.

  Has anyone considered that substances in the body are processed
  biolectrically and electromagnetically, rather than chemically?  That the
  chemical reaction is a byproduct of the biological evolution of electrical
  and magnetic forces?

  It's certainly not a new idea, but I'm wondering if anyone has done any work
  with silver in mind. Does the body REALLY treat a silver citrate, or silver
  acetate the same way as a substance that has the same electromagnetic
  signature as water?

  I'm just beginning to dive into magnetic fields and the human body...


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