Thanks for the critique Trem. One of my list members has been using this
unit for a year, she wanted my opinion.
I told her I would have to refer her critique to the experts!!

From: "Trem" <>
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 13:37:50 -0800
To: <>
Subject: Re: CS>another generator to critique
Resent-Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 13:38:39 -0800

Hi Connie,
I went to the site and it looks suspiciously like a constant voltage device.
They say it's current controlled but they tell you to shut it off when it
reaches .2 milliamps.  I think they don't have their numbers together.
Typically that's the reading at the start when using distilled water.  If
they can't even tell you the proper numbers, would you trust the unit?  Not
me.  Just another constant voltage device with a whistle (the meter) and not
even a bell.  Might as well use a wall wart and a multimeter to measure
current and an aquarium bubbler.  It would cost a lot less.
And I wonder where they get 99.999% pure silver.  I wouldn't believe it
until they told me where they got it.  Most likely it's .999 fine or 99.9%
pure.  And I don't even want to go near the spelling errors I see on the
site.  It reminds me of the phrase "Cix munts ugo i cudnt even spel
ingineer.  Now i are one"
That's my take on it.  Perhaps I'm too tough on them but good spelling and
truth in advertising should be paramount on any commercial site.
----- Original Message -----
From: Connie <>
To: silver- list <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 12:31 PM
Subject: CS>another generator to critique

OK, here is a generator for ya......