Moving and informative???........ok.....maybe other than the totally
incorrect bible quotes..........most of what he said has no basis whatsoever
biblically.  The original message in the thread was not aimed at anyone to
make anyone angry........or to even make anyone feel the need to give
rebutal.  The Listowner pretty much said it was out of let it
die.  I'm sure I'll be chastised for playing cop......but thats ok.......For
those of us who are True Christians on this list.......we have had to endure
time after time statements that go through us like a knife.  I've never seen
any of us lash back the way YOU people lash at us every time we mention the
name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  The very idea that it angers you
so is more the proof to me that The Great I Am does indeed still move in the
hearts of Men.  Throw me off the list or do whatever it is you will do. But
I can't stand anymore of this one sided idea that Christians MUST be
attacked wherever they lurk.  Next we will be told that we can't end our
emails with God Bless.  This list has been a help to me.......and likewise
perhaps some things I have contributed have been a help to others.  I see
things on here all the time that I don't agree with.........even things that
I know are down right stupid.  Do I find it necessary to write a rebuttal
each and every time??......NO I don't.  If the original message was "out of
place", then let it be known that we shouldn't write anything that disturbs
the delicate balance of the precious "non christian". After all , the
liberals of this country have done all they can possibly do to make it
ilegal to be a christian.  Perhaps from now on, everything that is said that
ruffles the feathers  of "we the few christians" we should make sure to blow
each and every statement out of the water so everyone knows exactly where we
stand at all times.  By the way....I particualarly liked the statement "all
religions are false".........that ranks right up there in stupidity with
statements such as "all cars go fast".......and "up is very
high"........duh.  ok......I'm finished.
Robert C. Allen
1892 Reed Rd.
Sabina Oh 45169

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tbass" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 1:48 AM
Subject: Re: CS>CS under another name

> Ken, That was moving and informative.  Gives one
> a LOT to think about.
> Stay well.
> Tom Bassett
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Ode Coyote <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 9:02 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>CS under another name
> >   Christians make the same mistake that Muslims do...worshipping the
> > messenger instead of following the message.
> >  Jesus said, "You are as I am" [paraphrased?]
> >  So, if Jesus is God, so are each of us in concert, God ,and there is no
> > real division between any of us and each other or God.
> >  Therefore , all seeming divisions are illusions we hold by way of our
> > denial of our own God power to create the world we live in.
> >  The galdern rule really is, "You CANNOT do onto another without doing
> > yourself" [in a positive OR negative fashion] But you also have the
> > of misperception inherent in true power.
> >  It would seem that "being" God, each and every one equally, is an
> > responsibility that we just don't care to address. We want to give that
> > power away [them blame someone else for having it]. WE are so powerful
> > we can even believe we are powerless...and prove it.
> >  So we don't often use our powers of creation consciously. We
> > mistake what "power" IS, thinking that it exists somewhere outside of
> > us...thinking that it has something to do with intimidation when
> > intimidation and being intimidated is about DENYING power rather than
> > having it.
> > But...and a great BIG but...we cannot not use those powers that we have
> > God".
> > ..and what we experience as our collective reality is the sum average of
> > everyones creative power that they cannot not use.
> >  Each persons experience is 'tilted' towards their personal beliefs and
> > events 'tend' to be attracted to them accordingly by way of various
> > mechanisms.
> >
> >  Bottom line:  God is not against anyone. God has no preference to what
> > create. NOTHING can threaten God.
> >  According to that point of view..and what Jesus 'said', "WE" cannot be
> > threatened any more than God can.
> >  But we CAN misidentify ourselves and experience threat no matter how
> > untrue it may be.
> >  "The kingdom of heaven is at hand" does not mean it's means
> > it's here, now... and never wasn't here. But it also means we can make
> > experience of it as we wish because THAT'S WHAT WE DO and it's something
> > that we CANNOT NOT DO. [What we wish doesn't change Heaven, it only
> > what we see it as.]
> >  WE have all eternity, cannot "really" be harmed and God knows it. So,
> > preference is mute. The choice of our experience is totally ours to make
> > and MUST be cannot not be made. The only choice we DON'T have
> > the choice to not choose.
> >  God has all eternity for us to clear our minds. He is not
> > being irrelevent to eternity, "waiting" has no meaning]
> >  The creative gift was given without restrictions, as perfect,
> > indescrimiatory and as absolute as the giver.  But we will experience
> > which we cannot not do, no matter what.
> >
> >  One of the greatest powers we have is that of perception. [It may well
> > the ONLY 'real' power that exists.]  It can be said that the power of
> > perception is the actual mechanism of reality creation. It cannot not be
> >  Perception is a feedback loop. One sees an event, places a meaning upon
> > [forms a belief], acts according to that belief, experiences the event
> > according to how it was handled, then confirms the belief according to
> > 'apparently' happened...and filters all future perception through that
> > filter, re-creating and re-inforcing that belief over and over again.
> >  [Perception actually goes much further than that...actually creating
> > perceptions of perceptive organs and places for them to perceive events
> > Good spirals better. Bad spirals worse...each confirming itself "as
> >  When a person percieves threat, he denys his own power, placing it in
> > hands of another. Then he wants it back and attacks.  As long as power
> > placed in the hands of another and is percieved as something that can be
> > stolen, traded etc..there will always be fear  [perceptions of
> > powerlessness] and the accompanying preemptive attack [defense]
> >
> >  Were Palestinians, Isrealis [anyone] willing to stand for what they
> > believe instead of kill for it, they would be unstoppable..and few would
> > want to stop them.
> >  But, they believe they have no power. They believe someone else has it,
> > that it was stolen. They believe they can kill for it, that, somehow
> > killing for power will return it to them.
> >  The problem here is that, if a person believes power can be stolen, it
> > be stolen from them, therefore, it must be defended rather than simply
> > applied.
> >  Power cannot be stolen, only mis-defined and denied by falsely
> > who and what you are.
> >
> >  The peaceful [meek is the wrong word] shall eventually inherit the
> > both because they create perceptions of co-operation AND those who
> > in helplessness and fear will destroy all of their own kind. [because
> > that's what that perception/believe does]
> >
> > This planet [in general] is suffering from a basic delusion.
> >  Something to ponder:
> >  If a person is unwilling to live in hell, he will either create heaven
> > around him or leave this hell.
> >  Either way works.
> >  Creating relative hells and blaming each other for the perception of
> > does not.
> >
> > All religions are false.
> >  They each miss the point that the founders of those religions were
> > to make as the disciples of those messengers perverted the message
> > according to 'thier' beliefs, not held by the messenger. [If those
> > were not different, there would be no message]
> >  God is whole ...the very definition of 'whole'...and needs nothing. Not
> > worship, not homage, no pats on the back...NOTHING.
> >  Perceptions, being subject to the limitations of belief, do not
> > describe reality.
> >  Any idea of differences between us is a delusion no matter how
> > self validating perceptions seem to make them.
> >  The space between us is defined by what cannot see
> > itself. That which can see all , all at once,
> > it is, knows what is really happening [nothing that can't be totally
> > changed by changing how it is seen]
> >  There is [really] no space anywhere that is not created by limiting the
> > perception of it.
> >
> >  There are none who are trapped except in their own unwavering mind.
> > Beliefs about reality do not limit it, they only limit the perception of
> > and what gets done with it.
> >
> >  If a cell thought it was a discrete individual denying it's connection
> > the body it was a part of, we would call it cancer.
> >
> >  "Individual" and "absolute connection" are not opposite terms.
> >
> >  basic clue
> >  You are not your body, your body is a perceptual product of you.
> >  The body does not have a soul. A soul has a body..many of them , in
> > in many times, places and dimensions.  As many as it can
> > itself, was imagined by another soul. [see fractals]
> >  The brain is in the mind..not vice versa.
> > The brain is a perceptive filter and information processor that sees a
> > portion of the mind that's relative to this particlar reality construct.
> >  "Beliefs" are the programs that brain runs information through. Beliefs
> > define perceptions by placing values upon input that determine what is
> > be seen or ignored, which in turn validate beliefs.
> >
> > Programs can be very poorly written and still function for a while
> > they crash.
> >  Believe nothing. The truth is everywhere, unchanged by perceptions of
> >
> > one knows they're asleep till they wake up, right?
> > >From Gods viewpoint, all is [pre] forgiven because none of it is real.
> >  It is US who must learn to use our own minds...our own power...if this
> > reality is to remain in mind.
> > ken
> >
> > At 08:29 AM 4/4/02 +0600, you wrote:
> > >CS Lovers,
> > >Writing from a Muslim country I am reminded that people here revere
> > >Jesus Christ as a prophet, his words inspired.  And I'm hoping that
> > >I have to say about Christ may be equally acceptable to those who
> > >not to believe that he is God, instead reflecting on the good that he
> > >has done.  Getting over a bad virus with the help of CS  I could only
> > >envison coming good health in imbibing CS, Christ the Savior.
> > >
> > >Is this not like the bread and wine, the body and blood, since it gives
> > >life?  Certainly it does not serve the representation of the bread and
> > >wine, but in as much as we have been given dominion over the resources
> > >of the world, CS renders an embodiment of the good that Christ the
> > >Savior stands for. After all in good health, physical, mental and
> > >spiritual we become like Christ.
> > >
> > >And are not the active foes of colloidal silver the very ones who would
> > >crucify Christ the Savior on His return?  Jesus said, 'How blessed are
> > >those who hunger and thirst after justice,' and among the many
> > >injustices is the suppression of legally sanctioned information
> > >regarding CS.  We also need to educate the unbelievers of colloidal
> > >silver, and struggle against the anti-Christ.
> > >
> > >Please forgive what may appear to be a bit of intrusiveness with regard
> > >to religion and proselytizing.  I am simply relating some thoughts on
> > >the work of one good man.  As with my good, Muslim breathern, if we so
> > >choose we may imagine that Christ is quite simply a prophet.
> > >Best to all.
> > >Reid
> > >
> > >
> > >
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> > >To post, address your message to:
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> > >List maintainer: Mike Devour <>
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> >