
>>>> Cancer cells cannot grow in alkaline environments, because in these
environments oxygen is abundantly available and mutated cells either lie
dormant or die.

Great point...  My concern here is changing these conditions in a skin
cancer.  My thoughts are that you can reverse acidosis, and generally
restore the body's fluid balance, and still not effect a tumor, which can
readily create the conditions of its own survival. By no means an expert, I
still feel that site specific treatment of some sort can often be required.

>>>>...skin cancers respond well to this also, or can be well treated by the
injection of 1,3 beta glucan into the base of the
cancer mass.

That is certainly interesting!

>>>I personally don't see the point of attempting electrical treatment, but
wish you luck, and look forward to discussing a successful treatment.

I'm certainly very interested in silver injection via electrolysis.  The
real points:  If such a treatment works, you effect an immediate change
without any invasive treatment, without having to aquire anything but a very
rudamentary setup, which would only need to be purchased once...  This same
setup could be used to treat hundreds of such conditions, without the use of
a syringe and the risk of infection ( it might be hard for someone to
identify the "base" of the tumor as well ) nor the need to purchase further
supplies.  Such a treatment could be performed without any real training or
medical knowledge, and the response time would be very rapid.


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