
The SG-7 Pro unit can produce five gallons of 5 ppm per hour ( 10 PPM in two
hours, etc. ).  For high capacity brewing, I haven't seen a unit that comes
close.  The price tag is well worth the end product, in terms of real value.

You'll notice that other high capacity unit manufacturer's are usually AC
high voltage machines, and you won't see them displaying a micrograph of the
end product showing dispersion as compared to "lab quality" silvers or lower
current machines.  That's because those micrographs are attrocious.  Limits
of TEM aside, an equal comparison is still a valid comparison.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Gary Green" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2002 8:03 AM
Subject: CS>CD Mfgr'ing Units

> On Saturday, April 13, 2002, at 09:15 PM, Solar wrote:
> > Trust me when I tell you that the SG-7
> > produces CS many orders of magnitude better in effectiveness, is made
> > MUCH better, gives you more for your money, etc. It isn't even fair to
> > compare the two. It is like comparing a plastic, model car, to a
> > highly tuned formula 1 racer.
> Great, thanks that really narrows it down.  I was a little suspect when
> he said the final product turned a "fine yellow" after a bit of storage
> time.
> Does anyone (including you  Solar) have a recommendation for the
> ***ULTIMATE CS PRODUCTION UNIT***?  It's not easy to get things through
> customs here, usually involves bribes or know-who.  I'll be able to pull
> this off one time for sure but other times....maybe, so since I'm
> looking at making it for family, friends and patients what is a good
> unit for doing it in quantity?  Then again, I could probably use this
> unit and pump out 8 gal / day so that could get me through the first 6
> months or so.
> Anyway... what's the best people?  Thanks again for all the advice.
> Gary.
> --
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