Greetings Gary,

If I read the thread right, Noel, who first mentioned UTI's coming from 
the ears, corrected herself...

... though it's not entirely clear what she meant to say.

We have heard here quite a few times of the benefits of dilute hydrogen
peroxide ear washes. The assertion, as I understand it, is that the ear
canal and/or inner ear sometimes incubate infections, and the peroxide
oxygenates the area, by both direct contact and diffusion, presumably.
If you consider virii and prions in addition to bacteria, it might be
reasonable to expect some benefit from the procedure.

I've tried it quite a few times and it seems to reduce the duration and
severity of URI's, even preventing them, if caught early enough, and
reduces congestion and sneezing from allergies. But of course that is
all subjective, without control.

Keep your science and medical training handy, but don't be surprised 
by what you will hear here in the hinterlands of alt-med. Some of it is 
ignorance, some hype... and some is real. It's often hard to tell which 
is which!

Be well,

Mike D.

> Now, having said that I am familiar with certain bacteria to which
> skin is not a barrier but if you were to take cultures of the "germs"
> that inhabit the outer or middle ear I do not believe you would find
> these places incubators of the strains normally associated with either
> a upper or lower UTI.  If I'm wrong that's fine I'm willing to learn
> but I'm not going to just accept anyones word that flies in the face
> or reason.   All I'm looking for is an explanation that contains a bit
> of logic.
> Sorry if I'm getting off on the wrong foot here with you good folks
> but I can not just throw an entire body of knowledge out the window
> along with my eight years of formally studying it, just because some
> one says it all aint so.  I'm also willing to learn.  That's why I'm
> here.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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