In a message dated 5/10/2002 5:38:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> <Hi Kevin: 
> I have since found a web site that more fully explains the technology 
> behind Prills.  (75 pages of information including the first chapter of 
> Shealy's book)>

Dear Ian,
Could you give us the URL to this website, please?
> < The water unit sells for $1000 USD.  Prills cost a great deal less ($70 
> or less on special) and don't wear out.>

When you order directly from Twilight the Prills cost $50.00 for one  (or, as 
a limited-time special, $100.00 for 10).  If any of you want the price list 
and order forms for Twilight, just email me off-list and I will send it to 
you  (  Alternatively, if there are 10 of you who 
want to get a bag of Prills beads and try the Prills water for yourselves, I 
will be happy to order the ten for $100.00 and mail them to you for $15.00  
($5.00 for shipping and handling) and you can try it out.  The Prills water 
tastes very smooth and satisfying to me, and gives me lots of energy.   
Again, just email me off-list and we'll see if we get close to ten takers.
< I already have high gauss magnets on my water intake pipes for several 
years now 
> and they probably help to deprogram the water before it comes out my taps.>

I have rare earth magnets on my water intake pipes, too.  The magnetized 
water makes my garden SHOOT up and bloom like crazy.
