My LLLT claims to penetrate 35 millimeters.  "Traditional infrared devices 
are not capable of penetrating the subcutaneous layer.  The infrared laser at 
904 nm is capable.  It alows the light to pass the cutaneous and subcutaneous 
layers without raising tissue temperature to any critical degree."
My LLLT has the laser inside of a telescope which I can focus the beam from a 
shotgun to a pinpoint.  I use the pinpoint for penetration and the shotgun 
for scratches and bruises.
I was trying to pass 3 kidney stones with lots of pain.  I lasered the hurt 
points all weekend as the laser does reduce pain.  Monday morning I checked 
into the Hospital and my Dr operated.  He said my kidney outlet was closed by 
3 kidney stones which were covered with skin!  With a blocked kidney I could 
not even drink water.
The above quote is from the Pegasus 2 information sheet.  My laser diode is a 
2 watt diode.

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