Yep, tis true.


Sylvia Daniels wrote:

> CS Gang,
> this is from Paul Farber's site
> which has been quoted in earlier
> posts about the 650 pathogens killed by CS
> over the 1/2 dozen by antibiotics...
> >From what he says...
> the FDA was in league with
> the big drug companies
> and the AMA
> to help them get rich on seller
> toxic drugs and stopping the knowledge
> of the benefits of CS over their alternatives.
> Sylvia
> Early Research
> At the turn of the century, scientists had discovered that the body's most
> important fluids are colloidal in nature; suspended ultra-fine particles.
> Blood, for example, carries nutrition and oxygen to the body cells. This led
> to studies with Colloidal Silver. Prior to 1938, Colloidal Silver was used
> by physicians as a mainstream antibiotic treatment and was considered quite
> "high-tech." Production methods, however were costly. The pharmaceutical
> industry moved in, causing colloidal research to be set aside in favor of
> fast working, more toxic and potentially dangerous drugs. The Food and Drug
> Administration today classifies Colloidal Silver as a pre 1938 drug. A
> letter from the FDA dated 9/13/91 states: "These products may continue to be
> long as they are advertised and labeled for the same use as in
> 1938 and as long as they are manufactured in the original manner." Some of
> the manufacturing methods used before 1938 are still used today. An
> electrocolloidal process, which is known to be the best method is used.
> Back to Top
> ___________________________________________
> Contemporary Studies
> Laboratory tests in 1988 by Larry C. Ford, M.D., UCLA School of Medicine,
> and other researchers showed that destructive bacteria, virus and fungus
> organisms are killed within minutes of contact with simple metallic silver.
> While studying regeneration of limbs, spinal cords and organs in the late
> 1970s, Robert O. Becker, M.D., author of The Body Electric, discovered that
> silver ions promote bone growth and kill surrounding bacteria he recognized
> a correlation between low silver levels and sickness. He said silver
> deficiency was responsible for the improper functioning of the immune
> system. Dr. Becker's experiments conclude that silver works on the full
> spectrum of pathogens without any side effects or damage to the body. He
> also states that silver does more than kill disease-causing organisms. It
> also causes major growth stimulation of injured tissues. Burn patients and
> even elderly patients notice more rapid healing. And he discovered that all
> cancer cells can change back to normal cells. All strains of pathogens
> resistant to other antibiotics are killed by silver. The March 1978 issue of
> Science Digest, in an article, "Our Mightiest Germ Fighter," reported:
> "Thanks to eye-opening research, silver is emerging as a wonder of modern
> medicine. An antibiotic kills perhaps a half-dozen different disease
> organisms, but silver kills some 650. Resistant strains fail to develop.
> Moreover, silver is virtually non-toxic. "The article ended with a quote by
> Dr. Harry Margraf, a biochemist and pioneering silver researcher who worked
> with the late Carl Moyer, M.D., chairman of Washington University's
> Department of Surgery in the 1970s: "Silver is the best all-around germ
> fighter we have."
> Back to Top
> ___________________________________________
> How Colloidal Silver Works
> The presence of Colloidal Silver near a virus, fungus, bacterium or any
> other single celled pathogen disables its oxygen metabolism enzyme, its
> chemical lung, so to say. Within a few minutes, the pathogen suffocates and
> dies, and is cleared out of the body by the immune, lymphatic and
> elimination systems. Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics which destroy
> beneficial enzymes, Colloidal Silver leaves these tissue-cell enzymes
> intact, as they are radically different from the enzymes of primative
> single-celled life. Thus Colloidal Silver is absolutely safe for humans,
> reptiles, plants and all multi-celled living matter. Colloidal Silver is the
> result of an electro-magnetic process that pulls microscopic particles from
> a larger piece of silver into a liquid, such as water. These microscopic
> particles can more easily penetrate and travel throughout the body.
> Colloidal Silver works as a catalyst, disabling the enzyme that all one-
> celled bacteria, fungi and viruses use for their oxygen metabolism. In
> short, the bad guys suffocate. Unlike with antibiotics, resistant strains
> have never been known to develop. In fact, antibiotics are only effective
> against perhaps a dozen forms of bacteria and fungi, but never viruses.
> Because no known disease-causing organism can live in the presence of even
> minute traces of the chemical element of metallic silver, Colloidal Silver
> is effective against more than 650 different disease- causing pathogens.
> Since there is not enough room to list all the diseases against which
> Colloidal Silver has been used successfully, here is a tiny sample: acne,
> allergies, appendicitis, arthritis, blood parasites, bubonic plague, burns
> (colloidal silver is one of the few treatments that can keep severe burn
> patients alive), cancer, cholera, conjunctivitis, diabetes, gonorrhea, hay
> fever, herpes, leprosy, leukemia, lupus, lymphangitis, Lyme disease,
> malaria, meningitis, parasitic infections both viral and fungal, pneumonia,
> rheumatism, ringworm, scarlet fever, septic conditions of the eyes, ears,
> mouth and throat, shingles, skin cancer, staph infections, strep infections,
> syphilis, toxemia, trench foot, all forms of viruses, warts and stomach
> ulcer. In addition it also has veterinary uses, such as for canine parvo
> virus. You'll also find Colloidal Silver very handy in the garden since it
> can be used against bacterial, fungal and viral attacks on plants. Simply
> spray diluted Colloidal Silver on the leaves, and add to soil water.
> Back to Top
> ___________________________________________
> Ingesting Colloidal Silver
> Taken orally, the silver solution is absorbed from the mouth into the
> bloodstream, then transported quickly to the body cells. Swishing the
> solution under the tongue briefly before swallowing ensures fast absorption.
> In three to four days the silver will have accumulated in the tissues
> sufficiently for benefits to begin. Since Colloidal Silver is eliminated by
> the kidneys, lymph system and bowel after three weeks, a regular daily
> intake is recommended as a protection against dangerous pathogens. In cases
> of minor burns, an accumulation of Colloidal Silver can hasten healing,
> reducing scar tissue and infection. The lives of millions of people
> susceptible to chronic low-grade infections can be enhanced by this powerful
> preventative health measure.
> Back to Top
> ___________________________________________
> For Chronic or Serious Conditions
> Take double or triple the recommended amount for 30 to 45 days, then drop to
> the maintenance dose. If your body is extremely ill or toxic, do not be in a
> hurry to clear up everything at once. If pathogens are killed off too
> quickly, the body's five eliminatory channels, i.e., the liver, kidneys,
> skin, lungs and bowel, may be temporarily overloaded, causing flu-like
> conditions, headache, extreme fatigue, dizziness, nausea or aching muscles.
> Ease off on the Colloidal Silver to the maintenance amount and increase your
> distilled water intake. Regular bowel movements are a must in order to
> relieve the discomforts of detoxification. Resolve to reduce sugar and
> saturated fats from the diet, and exercise more. Given the opportunity, the
> body's natural ability to heal will amaze you.
> Back to Top
> ___________________________________________
> Topical Uses
> Colloidal Silver is painless on cuts, abrasions, in open wounds, in the
> nostrils for a stuffy nose, and even in a body's eyes because, unlike
> antiseptics, it does not destroy tissue cells.
> Back to Top
> ___________________________________________
> Tolerance to Disease Organisms
> It is impossible for for single-celled germs to mutate into silver-resistant
> forms, as happens with conventional antibiotics. Therefore no tolerance to
> Colloidal Silver ever develops. Also, Colloidal Silver cannot interact or
> interfere with other medicine being taken. Inside the body, silver forms no
> toxic compounds nor reacts with anything other than a germ's
> oxygen-metabolizing enzyme. Colloidal Silver is truly a safe, natural remedy
> for many of mankind's ills. It would appear highly unlikely that even germ
> warfare agents could survive an encounter with Colloidal Silver, since
> viruses like Ebola and Hanta, or even the dreaded "flesh-eating bacteria"
> are, in the end, merely hapless viruses and bacteria. To top it off,
> Colloidal Silver is non-toxic, making it safe for both children and adults,
> as well as pets. In short, anything bigger than a one-cell animal seems to
> like it. Nor does one have to worry about that FDA (Food and Drug
> Administration) fox being put in charge of this home remedy hen house.
> Colloidal Silver is a pre-1938 healing modality, making it exempt from FDA
> jurisdiction under the grandfather clause.
> Back to Top
> ___________________________________________
> What doesn't Colloidal Silver do
> It doesn't interact with any other medications. It doesn't upset the
> stomach, and, in fact, is a digestion aid. It does not sting in the eyes.
> Medical journal reports and documented studies spanning the past 100 years
> indicate no known side effects from oral or I.V. administration of colloidal
> silver in animal or human testing. Colloidal silver has been used with good
> results under the most demanding health care circumstances. Without
> overstating the case, it may be time to recognize colloidal silver as not
> only the safest medicine on Earth, but also the most powerful!
> Back to Top
> ___________________________________________
> What is Colloidal Silver
> Colloidal Silver is a tasteless, odorless, non-toxic, pure, natural
> substance consisting of sub-microscopic clusters of silver particles,
> suspended by a tiny electric charge placed on each particle, within a
> suitable liquid. The molecule's size usually ranges from 0.01 to about 0.001
> micron in diameter (very small). The particles do not settle but remain
> suspended since the electric charge exerts more force than gravity on each
> particle. Colloidal is the form of choice since the body must convert a
> crystalline solution to colloidal before it can be used. Taken daily, it is
> a powerful adjunct to our immune systems, by killing harmful disease-causing
> organisms, and aids healing.
> Silver and all minerals are obtained from food we eat. This comes directly
> from organic soil containing living organisms. These organisms assist in
> making the minerals available to the vegetation. However, if we eat fruit
> and vegetables grown on chemical fertilizers, as most plants are grown
> today, we do not get the necessary quantity of vitamins, minerals and trace
> elements which occur in organically grown foods. This results in
> deficiencies which progress over time resulting in an impaired immune
> function. The results are diseases of aging. Dr. Robert Backer noticed a
> correlation between low silver levels and sickness; colds, flu, etc. Some
> Biochemists suspect that a silver deficiency is possibly one of the main
> reasons cancer exists and is increasing at such a rapid rate today. Dr.
> Bjorn Nordstrom of the Karolinska Institute, Sweden, has used silver in his
> cancer treatment for many years. He says it has brought on rapid remission
> in many patients whom other doctors had given up on.
> Back to Top
> ___________________________________________
> Silver in Our Bodies
> We get silver and all minerals in our bodies through the food we eat. This
> comes directly from organic soil. This soil is rich in living organisms.
> These organisms break down the soil so plants are provided minerals in a
> form assimilable to the plant. Hence, we get silver naturally from the
> minerals present in organically grown plants. If we eat plants that have
> been grown on chemical fertilizers, as most plants are grown today; without
> living organisms in the soil to help provide nutrition to the plant, we do
> not get the quantity of vitamins and minerals which are available in
> organically grown foods. Thus deficiencies develop. As we age our ability to
> assimilate silver decreases. We develop a silver deficiency and an impaired
> immune system that can lead to cancer and other diseases. Dr. Robert Becker
> noticed a correlation between low silver levels and sickness. People who had
> low levels of silver were frequently sick, had inumerable colds, flu, fevers
> and other sicknesses. He believed a silver deficiency was the reason for the
> improper functioning of the immune system. He found that silver works on a
> wide range of bacteria without any side effects or damage to the cells of
> the body and can stimulate major growth of injured tissues. WHY SILVER?
> Silver has benefitted mankind's health for thousands of years. In ancient
> Greece and Rome, people used silver containers to keep liquids fresh.
> American settlers travelling across the West often put a silver dollar in
> the milk to delay its spoiling. Around the turn of the century, doctors
> prescribed silver nitrate for stomach ulcers and it has been common practice
> to put a few drops of a silver solution in the eyes of a newborn baby to
> kill bacteria that might cause blindness. A silver compound known as silver
> sulfadiazine has been used in 70 per cent of the burn centers in the U.S. It
> helps stop the herpes virus. Note: It is not the silver in dental fillings
> that is harmful but the mercury which is a deadly poison.
> Back to Top
> ___________________________________________
> The History of Colloidal Silver
> It was widely used 60 to 70 years ago when, among other reasons, the cost
> became prohibitive - about $100 per ounce in 1930 dollars. The quicker, more
> specific and fast acting manmade antibiotics became prevalent in the 1940s.
> High quality Colloidal Silver can now be produced a low cost.
> Back to Top
> ___________________________________________
> The Key Characteristics
> Colloidal Silver is non-toxic, non-addictive and has no side effects. The
> body developes no tolerance and one cannot overdose. Colloidal Silver cannot
> cause harm to the liver, kidneys or any other organs in the body. It is safe
> for pregnant and nursing women and even aids the developing fetus in growth
> and health, as well as easing the mother's delivery and recovery. Colloidal
> Silver is odorless, tasteless, non-stinging, harmless to eyes, contains no
> free-radicals, is harmless to human enzymes and has no reaction with other
> medications. It improves digestion, aids in the regeneration of damaged
> cells and tissues, helps prevent colds, flu and organism caused diseases .
> HAS IT BEEN MEDICALLY TESTED? YES! Colloidal Silver has been successfully
> tested at the UCLA Medical Labs where it killed every virus on which it was
> tested.
> Back to Top
> ___________________________________________
> What the FDA Says
> According to the FDA, Colloidal Silver may continue to be marketed and used
> as it was originally intended. Colloidal Silver exceeds FDA recognized
> standards (Sep. 13, 1991 letter written by Consumer Safety Officer, Harold
> Davies, U.S. Food and Drug Admin.) FDA has no juridiction regarding a pure,
> mineral element.
> Back to Top
> ___________________________________________
> Colloidal Silver for AIDS
> Since in active aids, the suppressed immune system of the body is open to
> all kinds of disease, Colloidal Silver is the perfect non-toxic medicine to
> use for its wide spectrum antibiotic effect. A researcher at Brigham Young
> University sent Colloidal Silver to two different labs including UCLA
> Medical Center, and reported "It not only killed the HIV virus but every
> virus that was tested in the labs". According to FDA rules, Colloidal Silver
> cannot be used for treating the HIV virus, but it could be used as an
> antibiotic for all acquired diseases of active AIDS.
> Back to Top
> ___________________________________________
> Other Uses Are For Colloidal Silver
> Tests prove, due to the high absorption of silver in the small intestine,
> the friendly bacteria in the large intestine are not affected. All
> bacterial, viral and fungal organisms are killed within 6 minutes of
> contact. Higher silver content in the body causes faster and more frequent
> contact with these organisms. No disease causing organism can live in the
> presence of simple silver. The following is a partial list of the more than
> 650 diseases that Colloidal Silver has been successfully used against Acne,
> Arthritis, Athlete's Foot, Toxemia, Blood Poisoning, Burns, Cancer,
> Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis, Candida, Cholera, Colitis, Conjunctivitis,
> Dermatitis, Diabetes, Diptheria, Dysentry, Enlarged Prostate, Excema,
> Fatigue, Fibrositis, Gastritis, Gonorrhea, Herpes, Hepatitis, Infantile
> Diseases, Impetigo, Keratitis, Leprosy, lesions, leukemia, lupus, lyme
> disease,Pymphagitis, Malaria, Meningitis, Neurasthenia, Pluerisy, Pheomonia,
> Prostate, Psoriasis, Pruritis Ani, Ophthalmia, Rheumatism, Ringworm,
> Rhiritis Rosacea, Scarlet Fever, Seborrhea, Septicemia, Shingles, Skin
> Cancer, Cystitis, Staph Infection, Strep Infections, Stomach Fu, Stomach
> Ulcers, Herpes Virus, Ulcers, Strep, Thryroid Conditions, Tonsillitis,
> Toxemia, Trenchfoot, Tuberculosis, Virus Warts, Whooping Cough, Yeast
> Infections.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour <>