Dear Gladys,

Of course, you are right, although I wouldn't even describe the
original post as a joke. I treat such correspondence with the
same method that I use for the porn that occasionally appears in
my email, an immediate DELETE.

The purpose of this list is the discussion of colloidal silver, not
the dissemination of so-called jokes, that aren't jokes, that place
on public display the prejudices and ignorance of the poster.

Maybe, no harm was meant, but as my wife (a blonde that hates
blond jokes) points out to me, many attempts at humor fall short.
True humor never hurts or harms any other human being.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Gladys Williams []
  Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 10:44 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Fw: crash landing

  Dear Mariano:

  I joined the Silver List because I enjoy being part of
  a group of enlightened individuals exchanging discourse
  with the ultimate goal of improving our health and
  well being.  If I wish to partake in levity I watch the
  comedy channel.   I therefore feel this is not the proper
  venue for jokes.

  In addition I find this particular joke offensive, as it
  suggests that Black women are ignorant.  I am a Black
  woman and as you can see I am quite articulate and
  can put at least three or four words together that make

  That joke was blatantly racist and not at all funny.  If
  you thought it was funny and harmless, be careful, your
  hood is showing.   Take your vicious little views masked
  as jokes to one of the hate sites where they belong.

  This site is about health and well-being, if you can't
  keep it to that then I suggest you are not enlightened
  enough to participate.


  P.S.  I have lived with ignorant racism all of my life, first
  as a Black person, then as a Black woman.  I do not
  apologize for this scathing discourse as I am extremely
  insulted.  I did not join the Silver List to hear "Darkie

  On Wed, 12 Jun 2002 21:39:01 -0500 "MARIANO  DELISE"
<> writes:
    Subject: crash landing

    The pilot came across the intercom and said "Folks we are experiencing
    major difficulties and we need to prepare for a crash landing".
    Everyone began to panic.  The flight attendant starting to check on the
    passengers.  She walked by one lady putting on make-up and fixing her
    hair.  He said "we are about to crash what are you doing?"
    She replied "I heard that when the come to recover the passengers that
    they look for the prettiest one first".
    She kept walking and came to a black lady taking all of her clothes off.
    She asked her what she was doing.
    The Black lady replied "I heard that when they come to rescue that they
    look for the black box first"!!