> From: "Rich Adams" <r...@kc.rr.com>
> Can anyone relate any bladder/kidney infection with CS stories?
> My friend, who I gave a jug of CS to awhile back, has what she thinks an
> infection.  She had very little left of the CS I gave her.  She thought,
> what the hell, and ingested the little bit over 2 days, she says the pain is
> gone and wants more CS from me.

Hi Rich, 

In 1950 my wife made a quick trip to the hospital with what turned out
to be a kidney infection. It was easily cured, and she was home 2 days
later. Our doctor told her to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily to PREVENT
the problem in the future.  She didn't, and has never yielded to my nagging
and has had repeated problems.

The increased water intake helps flush bacteria out of our systems.
I have heard that cranberry juice will destroy the bacteria involved,
so it stands to reason that CS will also be effective.

The part of your message that reads ...(she) wants more CS from me.
prompted me to think of a biblical parable about a fish.
Teach her to make her own silver water.


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