Many useful comments on the effects.....and
claimed effects....of these compounds, have  recently appeared on the
list;  most are indictments----and in our view, richly deserved.  I
would impose upon your attention for a moment to suggest an increased
emphasis upon remedial protocols.
                We have, in the past, conducted rather extensive
investigations relating to possible useful protocols for addressing the
damage inflicted by excitotoxins.
>From among a multiplicity of possible applicable protocols for
addressing excitotoxin damage, we determined (to our personal
satisfaction) the single most cost-effective protocol to be the regular
ingestion of alpha lipoic acid, together with a moderate amendment of
taurine (100 to 200 mg daily).   We were prompted to elaborate our alpha
lipoic evaluations based upon the very real efficacies obtained by Dr.
Russell Blaylock and associates----in their addresses of seizure related
afflictions linked to MSG and kindred compounds (most especially in
pre-puberty children).  Our results demonstrated the liver to be an
important player in effecting measureable recovery conditions affecting
the general health of afflicted subjects.......and most especially those
involving extensive systemic toxification.  Although 500+ mg of alpha
lipoic daily were required---in some severe and/or long-standing
cases----just the utilization of 100 mg daily, as an on-going
prophylactic, yielded encouraging results in 95%+ cases.
                In experimental subjects  presenting with type II
diabetes and/or extensive liver-damage (e.g. cirrhosis), alpha lipoic
gave the most pronounced, single, improvement......from among all
combinations of other compounds evaluated.
                I hope these comments are of some value to the general
list membership.
                                                Sincerely,  Brooks

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