Don Wells: >>>>>> Speaking of Stevia. I have not noticed the wonderful
sweet effects of Stevia unless used in abnormally large amounts and even
then its not the same as sugar. I have bought products such as protein
drinks with Stevia as the sweetener and they were very sweet. Whats the
problem here? Does anyone know of a Stevia sweetener that can be bought in
bulk and will replace sugar? I have yet to find one that satisfies me.

I use 2 brands, Wisdom of the Ancients now Sweetleaf Co. makes a clear
liquid that I find very sweet using 5 drops in a cup of tea, and also a
powdered sugar substitute.  Stevita also makes a clear liquid that I find
not quite as good but OK.  They also have a very concentrated powder that
is supposed to sweeten a cup if you dip a toothpick in it.  I used it to
sweeten a cheesecake once and apparently used way too much and it was quite
bitter.  They also make several drink mixes, cherry, lemon, orange, and
grape, that have natural flavors and stevia.  One jar supposedly makes 20
quarts, but I dilute it more than that so it would make more for me.

My daughter seems to be able to detect some taste she doesn't like in
drinks sweetened with Stevia but it always tastes good to me.

I get these products from

I also have grown Stevia but didn't get around to using it much.  Now I'm
growing another herb also supposedly 1000 times sweeter than sugar, a
Lippia from South America.  It is also not hardy here and I have it planted
outside but I hope I can dig it up and keep it alive in a pot this winter.
I always seem to kill Stevia as a houseplant; it is hard for me to water it


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