You mean all the kind, generous and loving actions of this life are all
wiped away by owning a plastic cross made out of dice?   That's mean. I
think he needs to attend an anger managment seminar. Besides, he made me; so
if he screwed up, why do I have to take the heat, in a manner of speaking?

Does all eternity include the present? Or just what happens after today?

Since he knows everything that will or has happended, he knew I would get
the cross.  Why didn't he just send me to hell when I was born? Further, why
create me just to put me in hell.  I am very confused.

The Greatful Dead addressed these questions in; "The Victim or the Crime",
"...must I be dammed in order to be saved?..."

I can't discuss this on-list any more, it is a violation of list protocol.
I apoloqize to all for asking the initial question.  The List God definitly
has jurisdiction over me, and I Know his wrath from past trangressions.

If God is on line, I hope he knows I am just kidding.  It is OK big fella,
isn't it...OK? ,,,  Hello?

James-Osbourne: Holmes
  -----Original Message-----
  From: []
  Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2002 10:25 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>[Listowner] Rules Reminder... READ!

  In a message dated 8/7/2002 10:26:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

    I have a crucifix made of dice.  What is he going to do to me?

    James-Osbourne: Holmes

  Maybe if you're lucky, he'll roll that dice to determine what level of
hell you will reside in for all eternity?