(Note;Below I have outlined a method whereby a single
electrode can be used for CS production. I need to
find a source for proper silver wire in this regard. I
also wish to mix this with much larger 5 gallon
samples of energized tap water made by J ellis

Hi all, resubscribed to list to get some info.

Interested in finding firms that can test for  water
ozonation %, and was wondering if any firms can verify
water samples having a changed bonding angle on the
molecule.  Also interested in obtaining silver for
making colloidal  silver water.

My brother Robert recently shelled out 1700 dollars
for John Ellis machine that produces energized tap
water, and also a smaller % of ozonated distilled
water. I think the URL for his product was at
www.johnellis.com   He claims his process rids water
of any disease markers or virus ect.

Having examined the device it appears the main
function of the machine is to use a quartz/ ozone bulb
above the boiling chamber. One can remove the bulb
from the chamber and surely enough it emits an ozone
smell, as I am well aquainted with ozone from other
research. A jpeg of the bulb removed from the machine
is at

I am interested in comparing his water to a different
ozonation process I am working with that actually
passes current through the water. This uses a pair of
large induction coils,(60 henry, 23 gauge wire, 1000
ohms) that are tuned for mutual induction as 180
phased series resonances to the 60 hz power grid
frequency.  This produces  bipolar voltages equivalent
to an NST, but not by transformer principle, but by
bipolar resonant rise of voltage. In a NST secondary,
generally a 30 ma current limited output is predicated
from the fact that if we measure the inductance of L2,
and by impedance calculate the available current at
the specified secondary voltage output: this is the
maximum current the (secondary)system will draw. In a
similar fashion a short can be placed between the
bipolar resonant voltage rises of these high induction
coils/ where in open switch the q of each coil being ~
15: this gives a 30 fold voltage rise compared to the
voltage input. When the short is applied and measured
we find its current limited value to be quite low, it
is reduced to a value of q of the former consumption,
about 40,000 ohms inductive reactance in this case. A
neon bulb placed across these potentials will blink,
and it is quickly found that when the "binary resonant
system; BRS" is operated with an arc gap to produce
high frequency effects from the coils, this can be
measured with scoped coils around the space of that
system, but the important point is that it operates
with the characteristic tendency of producing a self
quenching arc. An ordinary tesla coil system may wish
to have the arc on primary occur in conjuction with
the supply frequency, and also the arc to occur in
time with the point when the supply voltage is at zero
volts, or its polarity change period. The normal mode
of operation might be 120 BPS, or bursts per second
using two arcs per 60 hz cycle.  However with the BRS
system and arc gap manipulations, it was possible to
produce rates of 1200 BPS. This becomes interesting in
the study of making a high frequency phenomenon occur
more "continuously", because typically at 120 BPS,
there are long time periods existing between the RF

Eventually a unique coil system was made using a
single layer wind of speaker wire around a 3 inch
stack of ceramic magnets. The arc gap for the coils
was altered to consist of a water/ glass barrier. The
bottom polarity electrode uses a stainless steel
plate, with an intervening glass filled with water.
The top (opposite voltage) connection is a needle
driven through a supporting cigarette pack. By placing
the needle just above the water surface, an arc can be
made to occur in very rapid firings. This high
frequency process apparently stimulates the magnet and
its layer of windings to act as high frequency
emmitors on the ends of the wire, to enable one ended
neon discharges, where the fields around those neons
can induce emf on a surrounding inductor. It was
further found that no arcing need take place, and that
simply having the needle in the water will register a
tamed down rf event quite equalized for each polarity
change. Here is a process where I could replace the
needle with silver and make samples. Study of the neon
disharges showed that one ended ones could be enhanced
by giving the bulb ending a "polar capacity" in the
form of aluminum foil area. One can touch this foil
and feel no shock, if the body is not significantly
grounded. One can also place inductors above this
plate area to see the signals induced on the inductor
by the rapidly changing electric field  by the rf
burst, which here is technically replaced by that of
the neon discharge to plate area itself, since the arc
gap has been eliminated by submerging the needle.
Bipolar connection/ pos. of dual wind spiral sensor 
The suspended spirals will record a HF ringdown near
some 300,000 hz here, but for finding the BPS rate it
is advantageous to use special coils that have a very
low natural resonant frequency. The inductors
themselves react in this way, and two different
inductors over the same plate can record different
frequencies in the rf ringdown, because of the fact
that the process only makes those coils ring at their
own natural resonant frequency. If we have a sensor
coil with a low natural resonant frequency, it becomes
easier to scope out the rf ringdowns.
31,250 hz resonant bifilar inductor used for neon EM
shows the inductor recieving signals from open ended
neons connected to magnet winding ends. Here is where
the difference of signals recieved by the arcing to
surface water and immersion of opposite polarity
electrode can be noted. Because the arc gap only has
metal on one side, the negative charge carriers only
respond on the negative half of the cycle in striking
the water surface, however perhaps it is not so
unreasonable to assume that perhaps a much weaker arc
might issue from the water surface on the half of the
cycle where it is negative. Here the  scope is turned
down to 2ms/div, where 20 ms of sweep across screen
can show just over one 60 hz cycle. This then shows
the difference between the negative and positive rf
ringdowns, theorized due to the lack of charge
carriers on one half of the cycle.
Surface Water Arc Gap 
Note now the difference in  neon derived signals after
the electrode is immersed in the water.
Arcless/ 12 rf bursts/ 60 hz sweep 
This activity was made at household voltage levels,
where 6 times the normal two rf bursts per cycle
occur. By using a variac to control the voltage, the
houehold voltage level can be placed around 50 volts
to study 120 and 180 BPS rates. By employing a 440
transformer  with variac  before attaching BRS as
secondary load;  one can incrementally increase the
BPS rates to the point where they become uncountable
on source frequency sweep rates.
Excessive Ringdowns per 60 hz sweeping 
With a 440 transformer input multiplied 30 fold, and a
highest variac voltage of 150 volts a projected 18,000
volts can be created as resonant voltage rise to
device. Near this top limit the magnet begins to hum
loudly and prodigious ozone is created. What became
confusing was the need to be constrained to the idea
that windings needed to be surrounded by the magnet to
obtain this expression of resonant voltage bleedoff,
since the magnet is not specifically between the
resonant voltage potentials, and it deos not work in
that configuration to begin with.  In the first jpeg
showing the spiral over a seed tray, the neon to plate
connection is actually made from the shorted ends of
the magnet windings, thus it is only the metal
connections themselves creating the voltage attempting
to reach ground. Using this idea a bath of water can
replace the winding, and a neon connection to ground
can be made. Bubbles will build up on the  resonant
potentials submerged in the water  and also on a
copper screen attached to neon. 
Water Delivery to Ground/Dawn 
Here .36 ma conduction to ground is noted.
There is also the consideration as to whether the
magnet is even needed
2 neon conduction through water to ground 
Single Neon conduction, BRS midpoint as return path 
The the abscense of variac regulation  to the BRS will
cause the bulbs to blink when grounded.
BRS Neon blinking process without intervening variac

It a nutshell I would like to compare samples of water
for ozanation of water, or any supposed bonding angle
changes. Can Anyone say who might test water samples
for ozonation, or an idea of expenses involved here?
The coils can be retuned for application for
multiphased resonance inputs from a AC converted 480
hz alternator. In this scenario the needed capacity
for the coils can be expressed as an axial water
capacity, and it can also be placed in the magnetic
field of an adjacent phases magnetic field in
resonance. Surface area distortions of water are noted
with high voltage of this kind of application. A
special method of increasing the voltage to such a
water cell has been discovered by utilysing
interphasal magnetic compression.
shows how the polar capacity of the body can draw neon
displacement current from the skin effects at high
voltage from such spatially reacted resonances.
I am also especially interested in making tests of
electrolysis, to see if that process increases the
efficiency. One might think that an increased bonding
angle might make it easier to break up the molecule
via electrolysis?
Sincerely Harvey D Norris.

Tesla Research Group; Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances 

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