Your on the right tract.  I think both your batches of silver colloidal will be
effective for most applecations.  I use a fish tank bubblier myself, I have
tried the other methods of mixing and like filtered air.
But what you said about the coffee maker triggered an idea, maybe you should
try both heating while bubbling ?  I think you can shorten you time of brewing
to get rid of the metel taste.  The battery method goes slow to start with then
keeps getting faster and faster as the more electrolites make the electricy
flow more with more conductivity in your coffee pot.
Some explain the process as a car with the accelerator stuck wide open, at
first it goes slow, then faster and faster, untill it is out of control.  The
key is to practice, and know by looks, timing, and good old fasion common
sense, when enough is enough.
My only sugestion is : shorten the brewing time and be very watchfull the
longer it is on, when you see tyndal, watch closely, and not let it go too much
longer. Idealy, you should test, but less is better than more, when batterys
are used.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey , AZ wrote:

> Hi, my name is Christine and I've just joined the list recently.
> I have become so weary of the allopathic health-care biz that I am doing
> just about everything I can to stay away from it.   One thing in particular
> is using CS.  I'm still new to using it and new to making it - just started
> making my own batches about 2-3 weeks ago.  BUT I do notice that my intense
> sugar cravings have disappeared.  I figured I had that Candida yeast thing
> anyway because of that and other symptoms.  After taking the CS I made for
> a few days, I felt like I had a mild flu and a foggy head.  But it's gone
> now and I have much more energy.  Possibly a die-off of the Candida?  After
> reading much of your archives, I think so.
> Anyway, my main question is I have tried making batches two ways, both
> using the 9 volt battery system.  (Can't afford to buy a ready-made machine
> yet.)   Both used:
> one glass coffee pot (10 cup) filled almost to the top;
> 4 - 9 volt batteries, alligator clips, etc..;
> steam - ozonated - distilled water;
> .999 one ounce fine silver certificate/ingot - cut in half (used as the
> anode and cathode) set approx. 1 inch apart
> Both batches were 'cooked' the same amount of time - approx. 2 hours after
> the gold wisps started
> The differences are one batch I did not heat and I used a fish tank bubbler
> to 'stir'.
> The other I used the the coffee pot's heater plate to 'stir' the CS.
> The batch with the bubbler turned out totally clear with no residue on the
> silver pieces.  It did have a faint Tyndall effect and taste.  Even the
> next day it was still clear and had a little stronger Tyndall but the taste
> was still faint metallic.
> The other batch which used the heat turned a nice light shade of yellow.
> By the next day the yellow was much deeper and it had a very strong Tyndall
> effect.  Taste was stronger metallic than the clear batch.
> So, my question is which batch is better?  Or has the smaller particles,
> etc.?  Does the clear batch contain mostly dissolved silver instead of
> mega-small particles of silver?  This is not good, from what I've read.  We
> need the particles to hold the positive charge, right?  Or am I way off?
> I can't afford to have it tested so I'm hoping someone here can help me by
> using my descriptions above.
> I used both batches intermittently, taking a few ounces of each per day to
> kill the Candida.  So I don't really know which one did the job.  The clear
> batch tasted better, less metallic.
> I also swished it around in my mouth (and held it there for a few minutes)
> before swallowing and my gums don't bother me  anymore.
> Any comments or corrections to my 'system' would be most appreciated.  You
> all seem like you know what you're talking about.  Teach me!
> Thanks.
> Christine
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