Dear Senator Sessions--

You have taken the conscientious side of crucial issues before, so I am 
confident that you'll understand our repugnance at pharmaceutical 
conglomerates' ongoing, successful efforts to manipulate the government for 
profit, at the expense of public health. 
Already, these manufacturers are allowed to spike vaccines with biocidal 
poisons (under the classification of "preservatives").  Already, vaccines are 
exempted from FDA requirements to prove "safety and effectiveness."  Now comes 
Senator Frist's bill S 2053 to eradicate civil accountabilty for the damage 
inflicted on children under these exemptions.  

Lacing vaccines with known poisons extends product shelf-life, but the full 
profitability of this practice is less obvious:  Beginning at early childhood, 
these poisons surreptitiously increase public disease rates on which pharma 
profits depend.  The toxins employed are among the most controversial; ethylene 
glycol is linked to kidney damage[1] and metabolic disruption[2]; aluminum to 
brain disorders/Alzheimer's[3]; formaldehyde to headaches, depression, memory 
loss, fatigue[4] and CANCER[5]; and mercury to brain damage[6] and autism[7] 
(children can receive 42 times the EPA safety limit in a single vaccination).  
As public awareness of vaccine toxicity has grown**, so has the number of 
product safety lawsuits.  Sen. Frists's bill is a mercenary counter-attack 
against plaintiffs.  It would restrict their access to the civil courts, 
thereby funneling all vaccine injury cases into the National Vaccine Injury 
Compensation Program.  Simultaneously, it would debauch that program with 
arbitrary provisions, such as excluding ANY vaccine ingredient from 
classification as an "adulterant" or "contaminant."  Futhermore, it would 
REVERSE the burden of proof, set unrealistic damage limits, and altogether 
eliminate class-action suits...each stipulation meticulously crafted to secure 
impunity for the routine maiming American children.  
One other point, with regard to the bigger picture:  This bill coheres the 
martial-law takeover now being orchestrated in the guise of "terrorism" 
legislation.  It would further restrict public recourse against *mandatory 
mass-innoculation* by the military (please read the Model States Emergency 
Health Powers Act following future incidents.  The US 
has already requisitioned 300 million doses of live-virus smallpox vaccine, a 
$509M windfall for Acambis Pharmaceuticals[8].  Thus far, the funding, training 
and personnel behind major US terrorism is traceable to CIA (9-11 & OKC), FBI 
(the first WC bombing) and high-level, political conspirators bent on 
transforming the US into a dictatorship under non-elective entities like 
Homeland Security, FEMA and foreign NATO forces[9].  Therefore, please refuse 
all participation with these anti-American, fascist operatives.  
Thank you for your attention.

For the text of Frist's bill S 2053, please see:  

For and an exhastive analysis of S 2053, please see:
**For an EXTENSIVE list of parents' & doctors' organizations opposing mandatory 
child vaccination, see:
...and especially

[1]  From Ottowah Dept. of Health:
"Ethylene rapidly absorbed and broken down in the body to form a 
substance that is toxic to the kidneys. 
[2]  From CDC:
"Ethylene glycol affects the body's chemistry by increasing the amount of acid, 
resulting in metabolic problems." 
[3] 16 medical studies cited:
[4]  Highlights from U. S. Dept. of Labor info:

[5]  From National Safety Council:
"there is no known threshold level below which there is no threat of cancer."
Formaldehyde has been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals, and the U.S. 
"Environmental Protection Agency has classified formaldehyde as a probable 
human carcinogen."
[6]  From Kansas Department of Health and Environment:
"Elemental mercury and mercury compounds pose an extreme health hazard, 
particularly to developing fetuses, young children...permanent damage to the 
[7]  Medical articles abound linking mercury/Thimerisol to autism.  Suggested 
starting point:
[8]  For insight into collusion between Acambis, Hitler and the Bush family, 
please see:

[9]  For 2 hours of documented evidence, please see 

Russ Rosser

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