Cerawater Library is not going to appear as a link it's the first  listing of 
the catagory when you type in a search at MSN for "silver natures 
purifier"click on it and you will see the article i wrote about
 jrowl...@nctimes.net wrote:Marz writes:

> at the top of the catagory list was a site called "Cera water library".

How about the link?
Found nothing for "Cera water library"; but did come across Royal
Doulton's (yes, THAT Royal Doulton) seemingly reasonable prices for
"water candles" that:

> ...provides absolute mechanical filtration to .9 of a micron.
> 99.999% rejection of bacteria and cysts...
> http://www.doulton.ca/brouch_1.html

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