On Fri, 23 Aug 2002 11:17:02 -0500, "Russ Rosser" <russros...@rovin.net> wrote:

>Hollering for "MIKE!" invokes the coercive/technological alternative.  The
>societal analogue is to call in the gov't to deploy batons, bullets & iron
>bars!  Remember Kissinger's quote before the Bildebergers: 'Given the right
>emergency, people will BEG for UN troops on the streets.'  As a People, we
>had better learn to self-govern, to build consensus and handle situations
>communicatively, and FAST, because we're rapidly becoming out-gunned by
>eager, militarized SWAT teams...

So, our anarchist leader is now equated with the gummint.
I just love this list!

When the foolkiller comes around, we'd better all hide in the high grass!

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