Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 12:01:02 EDT
Subject: CS>Introduction
Resent-Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 09:01:44 -0700

Hi Vitale, you wrote in part:

At my school they started me on 4oz CS 3td and nebuliser w/CS 2td. They gave
me some crazy mix based on a fresh squeeze lemon, honey and a lots of
cayenne. I'm surprise it was no flame coming out of my mouth when I opened
it. But I liked it after all. Anyway, my cough subside by the next day,
temperature drop and it was normal since. I was completely cured by the
third day. When I took X-ray a week after my lungs where clear. I was not
taking any other medication and I'm convinced that the only thing that help
was a CS. 

I am glad that you related your experience
with CS administered with a nebulizer.
Your experience with that combination
is somewhat encouraging.  I want to know
if you were, or had been a smoker then.

I recently got a nebulizer, but haven't
tried it yet because of some really scary
results I have read about the combination
boyh at the  silver site and on line.

