Hi all,

I tried the "Master Cleanse Diet" and highly recommend it. It is amazing that you can consume only lemons and maple syrup (the real stuff) and not feel like your starving. I looked into it quite a bit before starting and found that the nutrients in the maple syrup are very important, and that lemons may be considered a fruit from the tree of life. Between glasses of the lemonade I would consume 1/4 cup of 15 ppm CS 3-4 times a day.

I could not tolerate the taste that the cayenne pepper imparted to the mix so I bought a cayenne supplement from a local health food store and took two capsules with each glass of lemonade. The cayenne made it to the stomach without having to taste it. This made the diet very tolerable, without those capsules I don't think I could have drank much of it for long. I made a blender pitcher of it at a time, and I pureed the whole lemon, seeds, rind and all, added the water and maple syrup. It's been about a year and I starting thinking about it again a few weeks ago. I'm going to do it again soon.

One last note, apparently the high citric acid content of the lemons is bad for the tooth enamel, so I always rinsed my mouth with water after consumption.

The name of book by the author that designed the diet is

The Master Cleanser
by Stanley Burroughs <http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index=books&field-author=Burroughs%2C%20Stanley/103-4961730-9140612>

Amazon.com has it, http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0963926209/qid=1030217752/sr=2-3/103-4961730-9140612 I got a copy at GNC.
