Hi Larry and all,

> And some times K-Mart is just a little cheaper still [on sale]. I
> just checked the Q-10 price ... co-op price, .24 per cap... my price .16
> per cap.on 3 for 1 sale. Draw your own conclusion on their 
> price claims

In the world of vitamins and other nutrients they aint all created equal 
despite what some believe! I know the Co Op really does their homework to make 
sure the members get what they are suopposed to get.Does K-Mart even give a 

Just because one company will sell something often as a lost leader to get 
business ( God knows K-mart needs it)this doesn't mean another competitor has 
to follow suit!To me service with a smile is worth the tiny bit of extra over a 
company that hires rude and careless people who havent a clue about nutrition 
in the first place. 

Don Wells

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