You will find your answer here.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ

Bill Missett wrote:

> Anybody have any knowledge of an artificial sweetner named  "maltitol"?
> We just bought some "sugar free" cookies, and find the sweetner is the above
> named substance.
> (Mandatory CS reference)  However, we are both taking CS and have no side
> effects.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Malcolm Stebbins" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 6:23 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>CS Strength
> > Waitaminnit!!  What about the toxic effects of "I" as in AgI below, or
> > NO3-  for that matter?  How come mom used to paint that stuff (iodine)
> > onto our cuts and scrapes??  Could it be someone in Canada wasn't
> > thinking too straight??
> >
> > "" wrote:
> >
> > > Johnny wrote:
> > >
> > >> Catching up-  Can anyone respond to the factual nature of the
> > >> statement here- about silver ions killing organisms in the soil?
> > >> Johnny Silverseed- author:
> > >> "C/s...@ntibiotic Suprehero"
> > >
> > > Hi Johnny,
> > >
> > > The last sentance of this paragraph is what I was refering to.  A link
> > > to this report by the Canadian Gov. (B.C.) follows.  Keep in mind the
> > > toxic level noted is per kilogram of soil.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> e
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Irrigation with 9.8 mg silver/L is toxic to maize and 4.9 mg/L is
> > > toxic to lupines (Cooper and Jolly 1970). There was no significant
> > > effect on wheat or maize at 460 mg/kg silver as AgI in sandy or loam
> > > soil but 640 mg/kg silver as AgI of soil inhibited germination of
> > > Engelmann spruce seeds (Klein 1978). Spraying a AgNO3 solution at 9.5
> > > mg silver/L caused damage to Cattleya orchids (Beyer 1976) and a
> > > decrease was noted in the growth rate of bean plants grown in a
> > > nutrient solution containing 9 µg silver as AgNO3 /L. Silver levels in
> > > the sediments or soils which exceed 25 to 50 mg silver/kg may have
> > > significant effects on the heterotrophic activities of the microbial
> > > flora (Sokoland Klein1975).
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> >
> > Silver-list archive:
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour <>
> >