I work in a lab that does government and non-gov drug testing.  Golden
seal in and of itself does nothing to mess up a drug test.  BUT the
instruction for taking it for the purpose of passing a drug test always
state to drink copious (tons) of water, sometimes indicating drinking a
gallon of water with it.  I GUARANTEE you the golden seal had nothing to
do with passing or not passing the test.  Dilution of the urine that
occurred due to so much water was the only thing that helped people who
passed - BUT it depends upon how high a concentration of drug is there in
the first place.  If it's super high no amount of dilution will help. 
Virtually all ingested "drug cleaners" work this way - by dilution.  But
dilution can also be a tricky thing - too much and a "dilute" remark will
end up on the report, just as suspicious as a positive.  

On Thu, 05 Sep 2002 21:40:02 -0400 "TJ Garland" <goldenok...@hotmail.com>
> Around here, a lot of Goldenseal is sold as a "blood cleaner" to 
> help people 
> pass a drug test for gov. employment. I have no practical knowledge 
> of it's 
> effectiveness.Can anyone help?  TJ Garland
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