Thank you, thank you!
A couple hours ago in the archives I came upon a post with a link to your
website....this just what I've been looking for, and it's stateside!

The Silver Machine SOUNDED as if it was on par with the SG6, (
unfortunately, out of my budget at this time) but it had no detail to back
it up.  I could not decide if this was a poor presentation, or a poor
product.  BTW, the price is $166.00AUD, which converts to approx. $91.00USD.
Before I posted to the list I emailed Nature's Treasure with some similar
questions, but have not recieved a response yet. Of course, my emails lacked
the technical depth of your critique of the info on the site, but I got the
giste of the inadequate info.  I will reserve final opinion as I'm still
waiting for a reply.

I will also check out

Thanks again, I really needed some pointers in this direction.

Blessings and Light,

  From: Ode Coyote

If you live in the USA [or even if you don't]
silverpuppy and silvergen have both the price and the technology beat hands
down with constant current, constant stirring, auto off and concentration
flexability that's based on something.
Next in line would be wishgranted and a few others.
 thing for any support you might need.

This site tells you nothing much and doesn't even have a visual of the
product. Like, what is it?? $166 for what? I'd want to know.

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