WAYYYY cool!


At 12:24 PM 9/25/02 -0400, you wrote:
>this is just a update, two years ago I wrote about my sister having lung
>cancer in both lungs and was told by the doctors she was in stage 4 and
>would not make it but a few weeks, they did not offer any treatment, she
>started on the cs water and after doing better for 6 weeks they offered her
>treatment, she is still here and just became a grandmother  her daughter had
>a baby boy, thanks to James who I purchased my machine from and for the
>words of encouragement something of which the doctors had none, the second
>doctor told her she had already lived two years longer then she should have,
>she is still doing great ,  then last year I wrote and asked about brown rot
>that was all over our plums for the last 3 years and they where just getting
>worst every year, we mixed cs in the water tank and sprayed the trees and
>this year no brown rot,,,, not even one tree,,, so again thanks for the info
>and the help

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