Dear Cher, 
  Hi, and welcome!!I 
  think CS does help allergies! I used to be so bad with my allergies that I`d 
go into asthma. Now I`ll get itchy eyes and maybe sneeze a bit, but no asthma.

  Love, Marshalee

  Hello to everyone,

     My name is Cher and I am very interested in learning all I can about CS I 
have a 
  son with very bad allergieshe is only seven but I did strat himm on Dr.Clarks 
zapper last night not to much about 3 1/2 min to 20 min pause .Doe's anyone 
think that CS will work on his allergies.I am sorry for being ignorent on this 
subject I am searching to help my son.He almost died two years ago because he 
had a bad reaction to what I think was influenza , Of course the Doctors won't 
admit.If anyone can help me with this CS I would be very greatful.
  Sincerely ,