Jillian writes:
> Yes, I am confused by all this ppm business, and the fear
> of turning blue or grey or whatever.....i just want to take colloidal
> silver for maintence and stronger doses for sickness....with all the
> info how could I be a little unsteady in my thinking.....i do
> appreciate the list and continue to learn.  thanks much. 

Hang in there, Jillian! 

The simplest to make CS may not be perfect but continues to work for a
lot of folks. 

Silver rods in a glass of distilled water, some hookup wire and
alligator clips and three 9-volt batteries will take you farther along
the path to success than all the improvements you will make later! 

The refinements will make a generator easier to run and the product
more consistent... both of which are fine goals... but your aim ought 
to be to start making CS and refine things as you go on.

If you can afford $100 - $150, plus or minus a few, then you can hold
out for some niceties like current regulation and auto-shut-off. Folks
here will give you some recommendations, I'm sure. 

Yet you can also get started with as little as $30 worth of parts if 
you assemble your own, and *that* design is simple to do. Just ask
Marshalee! She's no techie, but has been doing it for years.

The debate over the high ppm products is interesting but not really 
crucial to what you want to be working on right now. Simply made CS, at 
5 to 15 ppm, will be enough for the basic needs you mention.

For acute problems, some other tricks may be useful -- H202, DMSO,
MSM, nebulizers, IV administration, Gatorade or Ringer's lactate, and
so on -- but a surprising number of people never need to go that far,
staying healthy with a few ounces a few times a week, and an extra
'slug' when they feel something coming on...

It's that simple.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>