Jim Dewey , AZ is 81 miles NW of Phoenix, AZ up in the MT's at 5200 ft,
Prescott is a few miles west at 7200 ft.
Re address for a Drug store, no I just travel the area and stop in
anywhere.  You may try S Dak. www and they can direct you to a Drug
store.  If you can not find one I may be able to call someone for you ?
Tel tofflemire
Dewey, AZ

Acmeair wrote:

>  thanks for the info. do happen to have a name of a pharmacy there?
> and what is the shipping cost ?  where is dewey from tucson?
> thanks,    jim
>      ----- Original Message -----
>      From: Tel Tofflemire
>      To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>      Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 8:34 AM
>      Subject: Re: CS>lugol's iodine
>       I buy my  lugol's iodine from any pharmacist in South
>      Dakota, no laws  stopping sales direct to customers there.
>      They ask,  the use for it, ( say a smear ) in your lab.
>      Cost is $16.00 per pint pre mixed and ready to go for the
>      Dr. Clark protocol of helping to cure food poisoning.
>      Tel Tofflemire
>      Dewey, AZ
>      Acmeair wrote:
>     > found some lugol's iodine.  reagents, inc.
>     > reagents.com.    100ml,  $8.50,  500ml, 16.50,  and
>     > iodine-potassium iodide,  1 ltr,   16.50. both solutions
>     > look like they have the same specs.           jim