On Sun, 13 Oct 2002 22:24:31 +1300, "Ivan Anderson" <i...@win.co.nz>

>It's true that silver chloride etc. are less effective against
>pathogens, at least in the test tube, but whether the it is 300 times
>less effective cannot really be taken from this article. What they are
>reporting is the reaction of silver ions with the gills (I assume) of
>flathead minnows, which can result in the death of these fish.

That's true.  But it is an indication.   :)

>As thiosulphate is one of the reagents used to complex silver for
>uv/vis spectrographic concentration assays, it is not surprising that
>it has a very powerful bond and is 17,500 times less toxic than free
>silver ions, but it looks like silver will give up chloride in favour
>of sulphide and so may be available as a anti-bacterial. I guess that
>is somewhat obvious, considering that cs made with salt reportedly has
>positive results.

Probably even the sulfide versions are effective (notice the combining
of CS with MSM that has been discussed here).  

-- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

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