3. Chicago, Il  Nancy DeLise
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Reid Harvey" <pott...@wlink.com.np>
To: "silver list" <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 1:03 AM
Subject: CS>what countries we on the list our from

> Bill,
> I'm adding my name to yours since this is easy enough to do.  Also I may
> be the only one who lives in Nepal:
> 1.  Mexico,  Bill Missett
> 2.  Nepal,  Reid Harvey
> Now there are people from two countries! (joke)
> Reid
> Bill Missett said:
> Mike:
> Do you know how many nations are represented on the Silver List?  If
> not,
> can we take a poll to find out where we are from, in terms of nation of
> residence?  Or is that considered intruding.

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