
I posted a method for estimating CS concentration vs the change in
conductivity of the solution as measured by the solution resistance.

The idea I had was that the drop in resistance is equal to the rise in
conductivity given by a rise in silver ion concentration. This change
in resistance can be found by dividing the start voltage by the start
current for the start resistance, and dividing that by the end
resistance found the same way.

The result of this would be a number very similar to the conductivity
as found by a conductivity probe, and should then be multiplied by the
uS to ppm factor for silver ions, which ranges from 1:1 to 1:2 or
there abouts.

Using your data, you would seem to have a concentration of about 18 -

This method obviously has its limitations, not least being the
homogenous dispersion of the silver ions, but gives a pretty good ball
park figure.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tbass []
> Sent: Sunday, 27 October 2002 2:31 p.m.
> To: Silver List
> Subject: CS>Fw: My CS Setup.........
> Subject: My CS Setup                10-26-2002
> CS Group,
> I've been making CS for 4 or 5 years and have settled
> on this procedure. I like to use constant current and
> resistance measurements to control the strength and
> gauge when a batch of CS is done.
> This is my procedure for making clear, duplicate
> batches of CS. I haven't had a yellow batch for years, and I
> don't get whiskers on the silver wires when brewing CS
> at this low current.  (.4 ma,  that's 400 microamps).
> I have not had the final CS tested for PPM strength.
> Writing down the procedure makes it sound involved,
> but this is one of those examples where "doing it takes
> less time then saying it"
> My Specs are:
> 40 ounces of distilled water  (purchased)
> Silver, 12 gage, .999 pure. 5 inches wetted,
> 2 inch spacing.
> Current meter (on 1 ma scale) in series with power supply
> and silver
> electrodes, and voltage adjusted manually to
> achieve .4ma (400 uamps) current.
> My CS setup runs off a voltage adjustable power supply
> on a 30 minute timer. I add "starter" CS to the pure
> distilled water
> until the resistance is approximately 60,000 ohms, all resistance
> measurements taken off the silver wires as wetted. (Good distilled
> water starts out at about 200,000 ohms straight from the
> jug.)  I run for 30
> minutes at .4ma until the timer shuts off, then adjust the voltage
> back to .4ma current for the second 30 minutes.  It takes about six
> 30 minute brewing sessions to make the 40 ounces to completion.
> I consider the batch done when the resistance is approximately
> 10,000 to 12,000 ohms.
> Someone on the silver list once published a CS strength in PPM
> vs resistance in ohms. If that comparison is still
> available, I'd like to
> see it again. Any questions, feel free to e-mail me directly.
> Stay well,
> Tom Bassett
> --
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