Hi; 'Not only'. On the quantum level, time is reversible; "instantaneous" does not depend on particulate time, such as the Bhuddist 'Kalapa' the smallest unit of time deemed possible, and avoiding the sillophophical stuff that just begs to be thrashed on the question of time, . . . . Existence and becoming (and un-becoming) may or may not be 'binary'. In Mathematics the open interval, f'rinstance, is a little jolt; the interval [1 - 2), open at the upper end, never reaches "two"; there's always an infinitude of points between however-close-you-are to "two", and "two" itself. This is similar to the race between Achilles and the Tortoise in one sense, but avoids the issue of time. Also, If something is not complete how can it exist? On the other hand, how can "it" not exist, if you can tell "it" is not complete? And for a more binary disclaimer, It's only fair I confess; I always lie: always!
Phast Phred (aka: "A")

At 06:07 PM 11/1/02 -0700, you wrote:
Involving time is the problem

James-Osbourne: Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Dayton [mailto:jack...@harbornet.com]

See what you think of this as a reality based statement:

"Every thing is either A or nonA at any given time".


Needs Work
