Dear Nancy,

  You said:

<<FYI   Alzheimer's disease is an auto immune disease caused by micoplasma.
  I know for a fact that CS helps MS, Lupus, Croans, fibromyalgia and many 
otherauto immune diseases caused by micoplasma.   >> 

  I think you are jumping the gun with this statement.  For instance,
Using PCR and genetic probes, it has been demonstrateed that between 
30 and 35% of CFS patients and 4 to 8% of healthy controls carry 
the Mycoplasma fermentans genome in their peripheral blood mononuclear 
cells.  This does not account for the other 65-70% of people diagnosed
as having CFS.

  It would probably be more accurate to see mycoplasma as 
opportunistic bacteria  that takes advantage of the body being in 
a weakened state.  It may serve as a cofactor in the induction of 
cytokines and other immune abnormalities found in CFS, but is
by no means the cause of CFS.



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