I only looked at your site for a second, but my constructive criticism
involves the fact that I didn't read anything once the page loaded. 
Here's the reason.

I have a lot of difficulty reading long passages that aren't broken up
into paragraphs.  My mind needs to see those little spaces between
thoughts in order to more easily scan the text.  If the text is 100
sentences all strung together with no breaks at all, as your site was, I
just skip the whole thing.

A paragraph is typically only 3 or 4 sentances.  It can be more or less,
but the easy rule of thumb is: each paragraph should be a single thought.
 When you move to a new thought, start a new paragraph.  This post is an
example of that rule.

I can't critique the content of your site, because I couldn't read it,
for the reason previously noted.

One other bit of advice:  If you want to increase traffic to your site,
include a complete working link.  Don't just start with "www.", use the
entire link, as in


so folks can just click on it, rather than having to cut and paste.

I look forward to seeing the development of your site.  Please take this
as the helpful suggestion it was intended to be, and not an attack.

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