In a message dated 11/20/02 10:03:05 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

>  What will
>  happen if I refuse to take the vaccine?  

  Hopefully you're in one of the states that has stalled on passing this 
legislation.  16 states have passed legislation on this.  

  My state, WI, passed it almost as soon as the model became available.  At 
first I understood the consequences of refusing to be forced quarantine, but 
Stephen Marshall from the Guerrilla News Network (GNN) wrote an article:  
"The Truth About Forced Vaccination" that said in WI, at least,  the penalty 
is a $10,000 fine and 9 months in prison.

  He wrote, "But, as of late July, USA Today reported that '16 states and the 
District of Columbia have passed all or parts of the model law. It has been 
rejected or stalled in 22 states.'"

For full article, please see:


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