According the this bill if you refuse to take the vaccine, the government
has the right to seize your property and bank accounts and take all your
assets! Plus there is an added provision that states that no one can sue
the pharmaceutical companies if you get sick or die from the vaccine.
During the gulf war soldiers got vaccinated with an anthrax vaccine that
was contaminated, and they all got Gulf War syndrome which many are now
still suffering terribly from and have even passed on to their spouses
and even their pets! The sole maker of this vaccine was bioport and was
owned by some army commander and Bush senior also had a control of the
shares. They are still the only makers of this vaccine. The way I see it
is the pharmaceutical companies stand to make billions off of vaccines
that are going to be mandated and the people have no voice in the matter.
Many will get sick and even die from these vaccines. Democracy now is a
great radio station that is totally listener supported. WBAI is a
sister station in the tri state area............they tell it like it
is...... for those interested in health Gary Null is on everyday at 12:00
noon Kendra

On Wed, 20 Nov 2002 08:08:59 -0800 "Lona" <> writes:
> Well, seems like when the rest of the world zigs, I zag.  I'm very 
> unhappy
> about this bill passing and don't quite understand why it did.  What 
> will
> happen if I refuse to take the vaccine?  And if they want to read my 
> email
> or listen to my calls that is ok too.  Unless we wake up, we are 
> nothing but
> robots.
> Lona
> :
> : we don't need to worry the govt will turn us into sheep...
> :
> : we are sheep...
> --
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