Its been a little dead on the list RE: CS , but I attribute it to the time
of year.  I like to read the CS chatter.
But I like not getting too many e-mail when I am gone for a while.
Dewey, AZ

"M. G. Devour" wrote:

> To those who might be lurking on the list and wondering when we're
> going to start talking about something *you* are interested in...
> Please chime in and let us know what questions you have!
> The format of this forum is free-flowing. People only discuss what
> they're interested in at the moment. Questions about other things can
> be answered only if they're asked.
> Address your questions to:
> Any health related question can be raised, and answers related to
> Colloidal Silver may, of course, be discussed at length. Answers *not*
> related to CS should be brief, and discussion taken off-list once
> initial curiosity is satisfied and basic resources pointed out.
> The Silver Off Topic List is also available for any discussions that
> are too OT and detailed to burden the main list with.
> Instructions for the Silver List and Off Topic List can be found at:
> Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions
> that are not answered there, or you need additional help of any sort.
> Be well!
> Mike Devour
> owner,
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> [                        ]
> [Speaking only for myself...               ]
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour <>