Kidney stones can be avoided with vitamin C and and life style changes , like
Jane said.  Once you have stones you can take larger doses of vitamin  C to
eliminate them over time.  It works for some people.
Dewey , AZ wrote:

> In a message dated 11/28/02 12:25:00 AM,
> writes:
> << know of any other complimentary natural protocols that could be used for
> this condition? >>
> Uric acid build up. That means change lifestyle when it comes to eating
> habits. More fruits and veggies and less process food and meat. A fresh
> squeezed lemon a day in morning when first rising in warm water with no added
> sugar helps eliminate kidney and gallstones. Its better than what the
> allopaths suggest! Check back in the other digests, I believe I wrote
> something on this before.
> Jane
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