In a message dated 12/10/02 7:05:25 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

> Thank you.Is DMSO used for external purposes only? Kendra

Kendra, DMSO is used topically, orally, subcutaneously, intra-muscularly (I 
think) and intravenously.  For self-administered use I intend to only use it 
topically.  Some splendid results have been found in many cases using other 
methods, according to the books I'm reading, but these should only be done 
under the care of a doctor.  The books I have are kind of old -- the newest 
being from 1980.  I don't really know if DMSO is being used more by doctors 
now than then, however I do believe that the FDA still only approves DMSO use 
for interstitial cystitis.

(I'll make this my last post on the topic, Mike.)


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