Re: CS>Adding C S to a automobile battery !I started to reply to this several 
days ago but got side-tracked. With all the emphasis on purity on the silver 
list, why would anyone want to adulterate the electrolyte in a battery!! The 
original sulphuric acid was diluted with distilled water to the exact specific 
gravity and evaporative losses are replenished with distilled water. In 
emergencies tap water can be used to top off low cells, but this will reduce 
battery life!! 
You might as well resort to the old highway service station scam of offering to 
check your battery and adding a solution of baking soda to each low cell 
thereby killing the battery and ensuring that you could then sell a new battery 
at a handsome profit!!
Regards, Al Peirce... 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jack Dayton 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 9:02 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Adding C S to a automobile battery !

    Has anybody out there tried adding C S to there autobattery?
    Would it cut down on sulfation/corrosion etc?

            I was checking the fluild level in my battery the other day 
           & the thought crossed my mind.

  I can't see any reason why it should;
  causing shorting between the plates
  I can see happening -- not a good idea.
  Also it  probably void the warranty if 
  it could be detected.
