Hi Bob,

You echo my sentiments.  I didn't get the polio vaccine and will not get 
smallpox vaccine either.  However I did get it when it was required in the 
1930's.  Had no choice then.  All us kids got it at school.  I still remember 
how painful my arm was and how sick I got.  Never want to experience that 
again.  I'll take my chances and if push comes to shove I'll use CS to kick it 
if it gets on me.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: barnb...@aol.com 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Friday, December 27, 2002 9:01 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>small pox & Malaria ...INTERESTING

  Hi Trem
  I have copied the rather long treatise, re: Smallpox. Will study in detail. 
However, for the nonce, I am highly sceptical of all "data" coming out of 
beauocratic Washington.
  At the present time I have absolutely NO intention of accepting any vaccine 
offered by the Govt.
  Let us wait for mass inocculation { manditory] of ALL govt pesonnel, 
especially politicals, and wait for reactions of same before subjecting the 
general public to the inocculation regime.

  barnb...@aol .com